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Ace POV:

As I got out of my car and marched towards my mansion, a storm of emotions swirled within me. It was a chilly evening, and the darkness seemed to mirror the turmoil in my heart.

I had instructed Ares to take Iris to my mansion this evening. So it's just us.

With a forceful push, I opened the door and strode inside, my mind racing with a thousand thoughts. 

Iris was there, standing in front of the couch, her expression a mix of fear and nervousness.

"Iris, let's talk," I said, running my hands through my hair, feeling the frustration building inside me.

She looked at me, her eyes filled with uncertainty, and hung her head low.

"I said let's talk," I repeated, gritting my teeth.

"I want to go, please," she mumbled, her voice barely audible.

"Why! I told you the truth. Why do you still want to leave me?" I exclaimed, my voice laced with desperation.

She met my gaze, her eyes moist with unshed tears.

"You're angry because I left you at the mall. I'm sorry," she said, her words heavy with remorse.

"No, I want you to trust me and give me one chance," I said, my tone softening slightly as I pleaded with her.

"How can I trust you, when you lied to me again and again?" she said, her voice tinged with pain.

"Look, Ace, you and I are different. We have different worlds," she continued, her words a stark reminder of the barriers between us.

"I-I can't believe you again, what if you hurt me again like that?" she asked, her voice trembling with fear.

"You promised you would not leave me, but you did, like everyone else in my life. Isaac broke my trust, and so did you," she said, her words piercing through me like a dagger.

"I am afraid, Ace. I lost my family, my brother who I waited for years broke my trust and used me for his selfishness and my love for him, I lost everything. I don't want to be sad; I want to be happy like before. That day when you saved my life because of it now I can't even die and live," she cried out, her voice cracking with emotion.

"Because whenever I want to die I remember the words you said, the way you took care of me, the way you liked me. It makes me want to live happily," she paused, as the room filled with her sorrowfulness.

"I love you," I said, desperation creeping into my voice as I looked at her, willing her to believe me.

She looked at me, her expression pained. "Don't say it when you don't mean that," she whispered, wiping her tears away.

"I mean it. I love you," I said, feeling the weight of my words.

She gulped, her breaths coming in harsh gasps. "Mini, please give me one chance. I will make it right," I begged, reaching out to her.

"I am going back to Newark tonight," she said, her voice filled with sadness, as she hugged me tightly.

I felt a tightness in my chest, a pain unlike anything I had ever experienced before.

Pulling her away from me slightly, "You want to hurt me like I hurt you, right? Then fine, do it. But don't leave," I said, my voice breaking with emotion.

She put her hand on my heart and smiled weakly. "You're too precious for me to hurt you," she whispered, kissing my cheek softly.

"Please, I am begging you, Iris," I said, tears blurring my vision.

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