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Iris POV:

I stood behind the wall, watching Hudson seated on the couch in the living room.

He was engrossed in conversation with someone in Italy, completely unaware of my presence for the past five minutes.

Baddest luck.

I rocked myself back and forth as I stood there in defeat.

Looks like I can't go to Liam's room, sneakily.

Come on, ninjity ninja you can do this.

"Ahh!" I screamed and slapped my hand over my eyes when he popped out of nowhere.

"What are you doing here?" He asked.

"H-Hudson...hey!" I quickly composed myself and greeted him with a wave.

He raised an eyebrow, arms folded across his chest. "For the past five minutes, you've been standing here. Do you want to ask something?"

"No... I mean yeah" I stammered and stood beside him.

His gaze was scrutinizing, observing my every move.

"Do you know how to make... donuts?" I asked, forcing a smile.

"...Yeah" he said, nodding his head.

"And that's what you wanted to ask?" he questioned, his head tilted in confusion.

"Yeah," I affirmed, trying to sound confident.

"Ok. Then go and sleep" he instructed, standing up beside me.

"Um...I want to take water bottle" I blurted out, taking a step forward, only to halt as he grabbed the end of my braid.

"I was the one who gave you a water bottle few hours ago" he reminded me, turning my head to face him.

"Oh" I blurted out.


"Go," he gestured with his head, and I hummed in response.

"You're not sleeping?" I asked as he remained in the living room.

"No, I have work," he replied, his attention back on his phone.

I nodded and began to walk away, feeling a pout forming on my lips.

As I paced back and forth, contemplating how to cross the living room without Hudson noticing me.

Why in the hell Liam choose the last room?

I flopped down on the bed with a huff, feeling frustrated.

"Tick tock, hate the clock, but I can throw a brick and make you drop," I cringed, quickly silencing my own words.

"Don't ever do that" my subconscious mocked me.

"Ohk" I jumped off the bed and looked at the time.

12 in the morning.

"Come on, ninjity ninja. Mission begins" I encouraged myself, patting my shoulders.

My eyes scanned the living room, but it was empty. The coast was clear.

I dashed towards Liam's room, tiptoeing as quietly as possible. 

Gently, I knocked on the door, rehearsing my speech in my mind.

First information and then my revenge.

The door swung open, and Liam looked at me with a cold gaze.

I rushed inside, positioning myself in the middle of the room with hands on my hips.

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