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Ace POV:


A whimper left her lips as I stopped my movement's and just nipped on her neck. 

"I don't like it...please..I-I am.." A desperate whine slipped out of her lips. 

Her teary eyes were begging me to touch her and ruin her. 

I slid down my hand, stroking her rib cage. 

"It's okay, bambi. Just a bit" I husked, placing my hands on her hips. 

"Baby, do you know what a safeword is?" I asked, as my hands fiddled with her ruffled panties. 

My junior would be covered in precum by now. 

"No?" She murmured, her teary eyes looking at me, desperately.

Her body was trying to snuggle on mine like a cat would do when their owner doesn't give them attention. 

"If I ever hurt you during our romantic sessions what will you say to stop me?" I asked, peaking her lips softly. 

I cupped her warm clothed cunt which was wet and rubbed her gently. 

"Um~...I-I would say..s-stop" She spread her knees, giving my hand more access to her cunt and laid her head on my shoulder as I rubbed her. 

"I will stop but if I push you so much that it overwhelms you then what will you say?" I uttered, kissing her burning red ears. 

"Stop," She murmured. 

I chuckled and saw her cheeks tinted pink and flushed with shyness. 

"What if I don't stop and keep going? So, I want you to choose a specific word, then I will stop everything at that second when you say that word" I said and she nodded her head in response. 

She was nibbling on her red lips, thinking something. 

"Litchi" her voice came out as a whisper. 

"Litchi. Is that so" I leaned down, taking her lips into a sweet kiss. 

A hum left her throat as we sucked each other's lips. 

I backed away a little, as her hot rough breath smacked my lips. 

"Do you want to stop?" I asked, looking into her eyes. 

"I..I-I am afraid feels weird" She murmured, looking at my jaw. 

I smiled and hummed. 

"It's okay. What's your safeword, Mini?" I said, ripping her panties gently. 

Her breath hitched but she didn't dare to look down. 

"L-Litchi" Her voice came out as barely a whisper. 

"So fucking wet" I tsked as I cupped her wet bare cunt. 

A tear slid down her eyes as I slid my fingers through her wet folds. 

Her lips parted, chest heaving and her hands pulling her cuffs down. 

"Relax bambi" I slid my other hand inside her dress and pinched her nipple. 

She let out a moan in pain, whimpering. 

I withdraw my hand from her body, making her whine loudly. 

"Please.." she clenched her thighs, tightly. 

I took off my boxer and stroked my painful cock, which stood up proudly. 

"Spread your legs, little girl. I didn't give you permission to close your legs" I slapped her butt, hard. 

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