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Iris POV:

“Hello…No..Hi!... No.. No..Hakuna Matata” A giggle slipped out of my lips. 

“It's okay, kid. She will not think bad about you. It's just a family dinner” Liam said, sighing. 

“No. What if she thinks we are abnormal..or-or. weird.. and..not be friends with me” my voice came out whining.

Be a big girl, Iris. No whining.

“Well, it's just a friendly dinner. What will go wrong or abnormal?” Aiden murmured, as a milkshake bottle was onto his plans.

“Shu-Shu.. Let's practice one more time” I said and a loud groan erupts from them. 

“Come on, please... You all promised” I said, joining my hands in front of my chest. 

“My beautiful little Mini, it's just a dinner not a presentation” Ace said, smiling. 

He is the only one who is cooperating perfectly.

“Yeah..but..please” I said, hanging my head low. 

Everyone looked at each other and sighed. Except Ace. Of course he's my hot daddy.

“Okay” Hudson mumbled, rubbing his forehead. 

Everyone was gathered in the hall, practicing how we will behave when  my friend, Ray, will come for dinner. 

I mean my mom used to give me thousands of instructions before a guest arrives at our house. 

And trust me it is a good thing because then you will not hesitate or mess up anything. 

But now I only worry about Liam and Aiden.

Liam is kinda tipsy and Aiden is a...pig.

“Wah~ it's not hiding” I slapped my neck in anger. 

Ace’ laugh echoed in the room, making me glare at him. 

I scowled and pushed him away, but boy! This old man didn't budge a little.

We are sitting on bed with small mirror onto my palm. Unfortunately hiding his love marks.

I love his marks, it makes me feel.. like a big woman. Kinda painful but pleasurable.

He picked me up and made me straddle his lap as I threw fits about the marks on my neck. 

"Calm down, baby. It's OK” He murmured, kissing my neck.

I pouted and tilt my head aside as he started to leave wet open kisses on my neck. 

Su said foundation will hide the marks but it's not. It keeps showing up! 

I should be angry at him for giving me tons of love shots but... I am the one who was tempting him.

“It's winter. Why don't you just wear big clothes?” He murmured, looking at me. 

“No~ What if my cloth slide down and everyone will see~” I leaned my head on his shoulder, sighing in disappointment. 

“I want it to be perfect. I never invited a friend to my house and no one even showed up even if I call them” I mumbled the last sentence, rubbing my eyes as it started to get blurry. 

Stop it, Iris. Don't be a baby

“It's okay, Mini. Let it out” He palmed my face as his thumb rubbed my jaw. 

My palms fisted his sweater as I felt small tears leaking out of my eyes. 

“There you go. Such a good girl” His voice came out as a whisper as his hand started to rubbed my back. 

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