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Iris POV:

As I put the spaghetti with white sauce on the counter, my fingers trembled.

God! Stop shaking, Iris.

I released a shaky breath working on my next dish. Tomato soup and garlic bread.

This cafe worked different. Very uniquely.

At morning it's a cafe and then after 1 pm it became a restaurant till 4 pm and again it became a a cafe till 9 pm.

Well the pay is low but still its at least paying.

My body flinched hard as someone bumped on my back.

"Sorry" a male voice heard to my ears.

I nod my head, aggressively and murmured a sorry.

Chickens wearing leather jacket, monkeys wearing trousers, Ace ponytails, puppies wearing shoes.

A deep sigh left my lips as I sat down on the table, stuffing my mouth with food.

Ohh God! The dumplings and fried rice is so freaking good.

Did I mention Hudson came early at morning to give this lunch.

He's definitely my favorite.

I could look see the workers staring at me weirdly.

Hmph! I am starving dude.

And just like that my day comes to an end in a blink of an eye.

Well, working as a cook is really a busy work dude.

I grumbled as I entered the house and threw myself in the couch.

A smile formed on my lips as I stretched my muscles, feeling a sense of relief.

"Sugar bun! Welcome home" a feminine voice echoed in the room, making my head rose up.

"Su!" I yelled back, giggling.

I stood up and ran towards the living room.

She was sitting on Aiden's lap, smiling and giggling.

"Welcome home, loser" Aiden said, smirking.

"Idiot" I murmured under my breath.

"Stupid" he huffed.

"Guy's" Su grumbled under her breath.

I shot him a glare and smiled at Susan.

"So! What are you doing here? The guys are here too?" I asked in anticipation.

"Not yet, they will be here at 8 pm. We just came to meet you. I know you must be alone here and you're stubborn ass don't want to stay with us" she murmured the last sentence under her breath.

Aiden let out a faint chuckle.

"Su~~" I whined and sat beside them.

Aiden ruffled my hair making me sigh.

What if Ace came suddenly one day and I wasn't at home to help him?

I will wait. For him.

Felix sat beside me, making me bounce a little on the couch.

He laid his head on my lap, munching on his candy.

I leaned my head on Aiden's arm, sighing deeply.

"Did Liam found anything?" I asked.

"Nopeeeee" Felix said, humming a soft tune.

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