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Ace POV:

Ivan was bombarding me with questions, but honestly, she didn't seem dangerous at all.

I couldn't understand why he was so serious.

He drove the car while the girl and I sat in the back, silently.

Despite her small size, I hoped she might be useful to me somehow.

I snapped my fingers to get her attention since she had kept her head down from the start.

Judging by her looks, she must be 15 or 16 years old.

"Come ti chiami (What's your name?)", I asked and lit a cigarettes'.

She looked at me clueless, it was clear that she didn't understand.

"Your name", I asked my voice came out roughly than I intended it to be.

She had this baby-faced appearance with doe eyes, pouty lips, fluffy cheeks, caramel skin, curly hair sticking to her head, and a red nose—probably from sniffing and rubbing it simultaneously.

"..I-Iris", her voice was low and a little squeaky.

"Age", I asked, rubbing my temple.

She didn't look afraid more like she is nervous. Weird.

"..17", She uttered, looking at my fingers.

What the fuck! how bad my day can be.

Atleast she's not 13 year old.

"Ottenere informazioni su di lei (Get information about her.)", I said.

"Si Capo (Yes boss.)," Ivan said.

The car stopped as we arrived at the mansion. Finally!.

I instructed Ivan to take her to my room while I made some important calls.

Ivan POV:

I couldn't comprehend why the boss brought her with us.

I'd never seen him purchasing girls before.

Whatever crossed his mind at that moment must have been truly foolish.

She appeared innocent, but I wasn't going to fall for that trick; I've witnessed countless girls pretending to be naive and innocent.

"Stay here. The boss will return shortly. And don't try anything clever," I warned her before leaving the room.

Ace POV:

It seemed like she didn't know proper etiquette, as she was sitting on the floor with her legs crossed.

"Why are you sitting on the floor?" I asked, and she quickly stood up.

She stood in front of the couch, gaping like a fish without a water.

"I-I am sorry sir, I don't will be g-good manners to sit in your house without..y-your permission", she responded anxiously.

I was impressed. A submissive girl.

"Whatever. I'm stressed out, so let's just get this over with," I told her bluntly.

She gazed at me with a confused expression.

"I don't understand sir", She said, frowning.

I glanced at her, annoyance clouding my expression.

"I want you to kneel down and use your mouth for something more productive than talking." My teeth clenching in frustration.

She may have this innocent appearance, she would know about pleasuring a man.

To my surprise, she immediately knelt before me but, instead of unzipping my pants as I expected, she began to massage my legs.

"What on earth are you doing?" I asked, bewildered.

"Y-You said you're I am massaging your..l-legs sir". she said, looking at me perplexed.

"Get up, before I rip your eyes out of their sockets," I spit out and she crawled back.

She made a good space between us now.

"Do you know why you're here and who I am?" I asked while massaging my temple.

My head is hurting. Fucking headaches.

She shook her head in denial. Now I questioned whether her naivety was genuine or merely an act.

"I am Ace Salvatore, a Mafia leader. You're here because the boy, who brought you to the club sold you to me for one week," I informed her.

"... M..Mafia like the man who kill..peoples. and..phew..phew...use guns" She asked, baffled.

I nodded and sat down on the bed, looking at her curiously.

She was now scared but looked like she don't know who am I or why she is here since her facial expression is morphed into shock now.

"Sir, He is my...friend but he said you took me here to work..f-for you and then you will...leave me", her voice came out like she was in a verge to cry out.

"So, you are fine that your friend sold you to me with your wish not forced" I asked.

"No, Sir! he..t-tricked me", she uttered, her eyes fixed on my neck.

She is naive and dumb for sure.

"How the fuck he tricked you Ragazza stupida ( Stupid girl)," I asked, amused.

"Well Sir,...Noah is my friend's friend and he said we are going to get ice cream...but then he dragged me to a club I am h-here Sir. ..", she said, sighing.

I can't believe a 17 year old girl can be this stupid and trust someone like this well everything will be proven tomorrow.

"Sleep on the sofa and don't try to be smart. I will put six bullets in your fucking head without any mercy", I said, candidly.

She nods her head repeatedly.

My body was desperate for rest; otherwise, I would dig deeper into her story tonight.

I Freshen up and settled into bed, I caught a final glimpse of her curled up on the sofa, possibly sobbing.

Iris POV:

I am Dead for sure at this young age.

Maybe my back and shoulder hurts or when I stand up my head spins for some seconds but still! I am young.

Oh no, oh no...he's here.

What should I do? let's...pretend to sleep then he will leave eventually.

Nice plan! Iris sleep..sleep.

"Get up, your sleeping time is over. This is not your house," his rough voice made me shiver to my core.

Mom, please save me – I promise never to leave home again if you do.

As I stood up, the first thing I saw was his partially naked body covered only by a towel.

Disgusting! I immediately covered my eyes.

"Open your eyes Piccola ragazza (Little girl.) It's not like you haven't seen a man naked before", he said, drying his hair.

He's so shameless, God.

"Sir, could you please put something on? It's quite inappropriate. I..I mean it's y-your room..but it's inappropriate too.. I," I muttered, anxiously.

"Una così piccola cosa innocente che ho qui (Such a little innocent thing I have here.)", he said, mockingly at me.

My hands slowly lowered and I saw him wearing a shirt and a towel wrapped around his waist. Thank god.

I looked at him puzzled expecting subtitles for what he said but he didn't.

"When I come back, have the entire mansion cleaned and smelling fresh. Use the other bathroom and eat whatever the maids give you," he told me before walking away inside a room

Cleaning doesn't sound so bad; after all, it's something I've done my whole life.

How difficult can it be?

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