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Iris POV:

Tick. Tick. Tick.

The sound of clock ticking echoed in the room as the cold breeze was coming from the opened windows, making me shiver from cold.

I stood up from the chair and looked outside.

The spring was coming to an end.

I locked the windows and flopped on my bed rolling myself into the blankets

The restaurant was under construction, so they gave me some days off but the worst part was they didn't give me my salary yet.

I have to find another job, again.

A sigh slipped out of my lips as I rolled over whining.

Last time Jeremy helped me to find a good job at the restaurant but I can't ask him every time.

And about Ace he.


My forehead creased as I heard breaking sounds from outside.

I stood up from the bed and walked to towards the door.

But stopped as I heard faint yelling sounds from outside.

I gulped and felt my mouth dry suddenly.

Something bad is going to happen, isn't it?

I released a deep breath and slowly opened the door.

Yelling sounds were echoing from the ground floor, making me frown deeply

I found myself at the end of the stairs, anxiously staring at the board back of man's who were gathered in the hall.

My hands started to feel sweaty as I took more deep breaths, calming me.

When I reached the hall I saw guards filled in the hall and in the front yard.

Ace's friends were also there.

Liam and Hudson were looking so angry.

"Here you are, you fucking bitch," one of the guards snickered, startling me.

"S-S-orry," I murmured, puzzled.

Suddenly he grabbed my arm, making me hiss in pain.

I winced and tried to release my hand from his grasp.

"..P..Please, it's h-hurting," I pleaded as I placed my palm over his, pushing it away.

But he didn't loosen his grip instead he started to drag me towards the garden, forcefully.

He threw me on the grass and I landed on my knees.

I sniffed and wiped the tears which were blurring my vision.

"Boss, she was standing in the hall. Looks like she don't know anything," the guard said, looking at me disgusted.

I stood up and looked at Hudson for help.

But he was looking at me emotionlessly, even Liam.

"I am sorry, but what is happening I-I don't know anything," I said, trembling.

I was the only girl surrounded by armed men.

My hands trembled as my heart beat pounded against my chest.

"It's yours or not," Liam said, showing me a pen holder gifted by my brother for Ace.

I nod my head and looked at him frowning.

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