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Ace POV:

I lowered myself down to gently place a soft kiss on her delicate belly button.

I could hear her surprised gasps mingled with the sound of her rough breaths and the rhythmic thumping of her heart.

Continuing the tender caress, I ran the tip of my finger slowly from the curve of her belly up to the valley between her breasts.

"Let me take care of you, Mini. Si?" I whispered.

Her response, a meek "S-Si."

I can do anything now.

She couldn't see me, just hear and feel me.

"Beautiful than any flowers" I murmured, siding her shirt with my fingers.

Her body quivered, her belly rising and falling with each deep, calming breath she took.

"Relax, bambi" I assured her, shifting to kneel in front of her and gently grasping her legs.

Lifting her left leg, I tenderly pressed her feet against my chest.

The soft glow of the gold anklet adorning her ankle caught the dim light, casting a mesmerizing sparkle.

"I love it, what you did that day. So fierce," I said as a playful grin spread across her face.

I couldn't help but smile, reaching out to tenderly caress her calf.

No! I will not tell her that it made me blush. A little.

"Really, you love it?" she mumbled in a tone laced with curiosity and a hint of amusement.

Humming softly, I leaned down to plant a gentle kiss on her leg, noticing a small, shy smile forming on her lips.

I positioned her legs on either side of my waist, leaning in closer as I found myself drawn to her tempting pink lips.

"Ace," she mumbled, her voice barely above a whisper.

Lost in my own thoughts, I hummed in response.

"Is... Is everything OK?" she murmured, a slight frown forming on her brow.

"No," I replied softly, planting another kiss on her ears.

"I can't decide what I should do with you," I confessed, my lips trailing down her throat until they came to a halt at the base of her neck.

""Should I fuck you all night, passionately and relentlessly, even as you cry out for me to stop but I won't, maybe I couldn't and my cum would leak down your hole when you try to stand up?" My lips delicately traced the contours of her collarbones.

"Or perhaps I should tie your hands in air, positioning you on your knees, and fuck you from behind... Doesn't that sound pleasurable?" I whispered, a contented sigh escaping my lips.

"Hm-Mm" Her chest rose and fell with each breath, her legs instinctively brushing against my back.

Tsk. I am creating a little shy nympho.

"Do you like it? When we have sex, Mini? " I inquired, my lips now moving down to her chest, pausing just below her breasts.

Tracing a tender line beneath her bosom, I observed her shiver in response.

So sensitive.

"I... I don't... know," she whimpered softly as I pecked the sensitive area beneath her breasts.

"Yes or No," I insisted, my tone firm and commanding.

If I don't push her a little, maybe she would never come out of her shyness.

His Mini BearWhere stories live. Discover now