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Iris POV:

"Really?" I said, shocked.

Susan chuckled and took a sip of her drink. At least, she said it was juice.

"Yeah, Aiden proposed to me in front of my family when we were 11 years old," Su burped.

"I thought he was joking but... boy, he wasn't," Su pinched my cheeks lightly.

"Wow! That's so cute," I smiled, looking at her.

She hummed in agreement, and we both stared at the ceiling, lost in thought.

I was at Susan's house because Aiden had gone to Russia for some work. My college had graciously given me a holiday. Yay!

And Ace wouldn't be home until the evening. Sadly.

After that night, I couldn't look Ace in the eyes without my cheeks turning pink and my kitty being wet. Dirty Iris.

So, I stayed over at Susan's place. Just the two of us in the house.

"How's everything going between you two?" Su asked, sitting up and leaning on the headboard.

"Good," I said, licking my lips nervously.

"And how about your physical relationship?" she inquired sincerely.

"I don't want to talk about that," I murmured, quietly.

"Come on, maybe I could give you some tips," she bargained, a teasing glint in her eye.

Susan knows I barely talk about my physical intimacy with anyone.

"No," I whined, covering my face with my hands.

"Fine, let me guess then." She sat up, and I looked at her, perplexed.

She reached out, gently tilting my chin left and right as if inspecting me.

"Looks like you're getting a lot of THAT," she said, smirking.

"W-What?" I asked, sitting up straighter, feeling my cheeks heat up.

"You know what I mean, little girl," she tapped my cheeks lightly.

Shoot! How did she find that out?

After that night, we...have intercourse like...a lot.

"How do you know?" I asked, nervously.

Is she really a witch who can see things in the future and past?

"Well, Ace is a...horny man, so I just guessed, but you confirmed it," she laughed, a deep belly laugh.

"Shut up...but how do you know he's like that?" I mumbled.

"Yeah, like I haven't known the boys for years," she sighed.

"The boys have only two things in common: sassiness and horniness," she deadpanned.

"Did their girlfriends tell you?" I asked, shocked.

"Yeah...OMG! Yuck, did you think I slept with all of them?" she scrunched up her nose in disgust.

"NO! I just asked," I clarified immediately, horrified by the implication.

She hummed, still chuckling. "It's just obvious. They're not exactly subtle, you know."

"For one week, we went to Los Angeles, and every single night, I heard random girls' screams and moans from their rooms but rarely from Ace," Susan said, her tone filled with disgust.

"Sadly, the stupid boys got one full floor to themselves. Forget about privacy; our rooms were joined, and I heard all those disgusting things," she groaned, rolling her eyes.

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