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Iris POV:

I anxiously scanned the room, feeling the weight of everyone's attention shifting towards us.

"Ali, let's go and talk somewhere else" I pleaded, my voice tinged with urgency.

"NO! NO! " She screamed as it dripped with a mix of frustration and fury.

"Let everyone see what type of girl you are and your INNOCENT FACADE! " She gripped my arm tightly.

My ears felt hot as everyone looked at me.

"Ali, you're drunk, please..let's talk privately" I interjected, perplexed by Ali's sudden outburst and aggressive stance.

Startled by the sudden appearance of someone blocking my way, a surge of shock coursed through me.

What the hell!

What is Ares doing here?

"Stay away from her, girl," Ares' voice, low and authoritative, cut through the charged atmosphere like a blade.

Of course, Why would the guys leave me without a bodyguard? How sweet.

"Fuck off!" her anger surged forth, her futile attempts to push Ares met with unyielding resistance.

He was made of steel. He didn't even move a bit.

I reached out and clutched his suit, "Let's go, please," I implored, my voice barely audible and he nodded in response.

As we started to walk away, she desperately tried to hold onto me.

But thankfully Ares protected me.

"Girl! Calm down," he exclaimed firmly.

"No! Because of you, he rejected me. Because of you, my life has fallen apart," she screamed, her words laced with bitterness as her accusing gaze bore into me.

My wide eyes frantically scanned the area, searching for the snoopy brat.

I spoted Elijah looking at me with concern, while Edrick stood beside him, a smirk playing on his lips.

That little poop. I always knew he was a butthead.

"Ali...he was just using you, I told you before," I said, my voice tinged with frustration as I glared at him.

"OH really! From the first, you are telling me to stay away from him, but god, you were just jealous. Now you're acting like a good friend. You fucking bitch," she snarled, her words dripping with venom.

Despite the efforts of her friends to intervene, Ali's strength and determination stood unyielding, as I rubbed my forehead wearily, trying to calm my racing thoughts.

"You're stupid," I stated through gritted teeth, the frustration in my voice palpable.

"Of course! I am. That's why I couldn't find out you were jealous of me and used me" she spat out, her words like daggers aimed at my heart.

Without hesitation, I stood beside Ares, "Liar. When did I use you? " I questioned, my voice steady as I tried to reason with her, hoping to break through the walls of anger and mistrust that she had built around herself.

"You couldn't socialize with people, so you acted like you're a good student and tried to stop the bullying, but in truth, you wanted to get close to him, and you used me," she accused.

As her words echoed in the tense silence, everyone looked at me, frowning.

"You used me for studies and got good grades and... You! shamed me for my dress and my parents," she continued, her accusations painting a skewed picture of our interactions.

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