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Iris POV:


I groaned as I sat up, my muscles protesting as I stretched.

My body felt like it had been through a war; sleep seemed like a distant dream.

My surroundings blurred into focus, and a wave of confusion washed over me.

OH... FREAK! Where in the hell am I?

My naked body was wrapped in a soft fur blanket, adding to my bewilderment.

OHKK... where am I? And where's Ace?

It's okay, it's okay Iris. Don't panic, don't.

Taking in my surroundings, I realized I was in some sort of hut. Dreamcatchers adorned the ceiling, casting eerie shadows, while a collection of creepy dolls rested on the ground nearby.


The bed creaked beneath me as I rose, the sound grating against my nerves as I clutched the blanket around myself.

"Βασίλισσα" a voice called out, making me jump.

I turned to see an old lady standing in the doorway, bowing deeply.

"Hello," I greeted, returning the gesture awkwardly.

She widened her eyes and bowed to me, vigorously.

"Where am I?" I asked, my voice tinged with nervousness.

The old lady looked puzzled.

"Δεν καταλαβαίνω," she replied, shaking her head.

I gestured towards her dress. "Umm... Dress..." I trailed off, hoping she would understand.

"Φόρεμα," she said, nodding in understanding before rushing to a nearby box.

I can't even run away. I am naked.

My heart pounded in my chest as she rummaged through the box, but relief flooded through me as she turned around, holding a dress in her hands. Oh. She's kind.

"Είσαι φόρεμα, βασίλισσα," she said, her excitement evident in her voice.

I furrowed my brow and nodded, feeling perplexed by her words.

"Thank... you," I replied slowly, watching as she exited the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

With a sigh, I resolved to put on the dress she had brought, then I will run away from this weird place.

But as I opened the dress, my heart sank. It was far more revealing than I was comfortable with.

My mother will chop me into pieces if she saw me wearing this.

Just then, the sounds of yelling and murmuring from outside grew louder, adding to my unease.

Let's wear this and save my dignity first.

A long piece of white cloth and a white gypsy skirt lay before me, but the fabric appeared too delicate, almost translucent.

I groaned and bit my lips. I am gonna cry.

As I struggled with the thin fabric of the dress, a voice from outside interrupted my mental breakdown session.

"Are you okay, Iris?" a feminine voice called out.

Startled, I looked towards the source of the voice, my fists clenched in anxiety.

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