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Ace POV:

She was dropping a half mug of water on herself, then stopped and opened her eyes immediately.

It was a weird behavior.


She flinched at the sound and shot me a startled look as soon as I closed the door behind me.

The way she tried to cover herself with bubbles and hide her two little ducks was almost comical.

I approached her, crouching beside the tub, and gently tucked the damp hair that had stuck to her flushed face behind her ear.

She flinched away at my touch, her eyes wide with apprehension.

Now that I could do anything with her, I let out a big sigh.

"You could use a shower instead of a mug," I murmured, my voice low and soothing as I pulled the wet strands of hair away from her flushed cheeks.

She inhaled deeply, her breath quickening as she stammered, "I don't know... how t-to use... it-its not opening."

I reached for the shower handle with deliberate, unhurried movements. As I flipped it to the right, the water cascaded down in a gentle stream, creating a soothing and rhythmic sound.

The steam began to rise, mingling with the soft bubbles that floated around her.

I couldn't help but smile slightly at her wide-eyed reaction to the flowing water.

She seemed genuinely shocked, her eyes darting nervously from the shower to me.

"I... I-I am not... decent," she stuttered, her voice trembling with a mix of embarrassment and apprehension.

"I know," I replied softly, trying to keep my tone as reassuring as possible. I began to take off my dress, leaving only my boxer, feeling the cool air against my skin.

A faint whimper from her reached my ears as her gaze remained fixed on the bubbles, her body tense with uncertainty.

"It's okay, Mini. I am just going to help you in the shower, nothing else," I said, though I made no promises about where my hands might wander.

I slid into the tub and positioned myself behind her, the warmth of the water surrounding us.

She pulled her knees to her chest and hugged herself tightly as she tried to protect herself from the situation.

I sighed, my breath stirring the steam around us, and reached for my shirt on the floor. I handed it to her gently.

"Here, wear this," I said softly.

She took the shirt from me with trembling hands and carefully slipped it on, the fabric falling loosely around her.

The sight of her in my oversized shirt, with it clinging softly to her wet skin, made me gulp hard.

I wish there was a mirror in front of us right now.

She wasn't stiff anymore, but she wasn't fully relaxed either. I pulled her into my lap, wrapping my arms around her waist.

Her body was warm and small, a bit chubby in all the right places, fitting perfectly against me.

My body covered hers entirely. If anyone had seen us from behind, they wouldn't have guessed that someone was sitting in my lap, enveloped in my embrace.

"Mini," I mumbled, placing my head on her shoulder, letting my breath caress her skin.

"...Y-Yes," she whispered, her voice barely audible, quivering with a mixture of fear and vulnerability.

His Mini BearWhere stories live. Discover now