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Ace POV:

My friends were so drunk that Aiden was sitting in Alex's lap and hugging him, murmuring incoherently.

Liam, Hudson, and I were the only ones sober enough to ensure we could get everyone's asses home safely.

"So, feeling good?" Hudson asked, wiggling his eyebrows at me suggestively. Liam smirked, obviously enjoying my discomfort.

"Fuck off!" I exclaimed, annoyed at their teasing.

We guided the drunken crew into the limo, making sure everyone was settled.

I was just about to sit in the driver's seat when Ivan approached, a smirk playing on his lips.

"Boss, some girl wants to see you. Athena," he said, tilting his head toward her direction.

I turned and saw her standing there, her presence commanding the attention of every man in the vicinity.

She was dressed to impress, her outfit leaving little to the imagination.

She was using her assets to her advantage, and it was working.

"What do you want?" I asked coldly, my voice devoid of any warmth.

"You didn't give me your number, Sir... I mean, how would I contact you then?" she asked, her tone sweet but her eyes calculating.

I sighed and gave her the second number I used for outside contacts. I had no intention of mixing her into my real world any more than necessary.

"Bye..." she said cheekily, flashing a coy smile before sauntering off, her hips swaying provocatively.

As she disappeared, Ivan chuckled beside me.

"Well, the ass was a good view," he commented, his smirk widening.

I couldn't help but smirk back. We both got into the vehicle, Ivan taking the wheel.

As he drove the limo through the city's streets, the atmosphere inside was a mix of drunken laughter and slurred conversations.

"Su, I swear I didn't fuck anyone... baby, trust me," Aiden whined, his voice filled with desperation as he continued his one-sided conversation with Alex.

Alex, who had passed out hours ago.

It was 11 PM, and the night felt like it had stretched on forever.

Aiden having a girlfriend was always a bit of a mystery to me because he's a fucking toddler. So annoying.

I grabbed a bottle of water and headed to my room, my phone in hand.

As I checked through some files, I swiped through the document photos.

Suddenly, one photo caught my eye—it was Iris. I had taken it that day in the car.

She looked so innocent, so tired. My pretty girl.

Wait. What the fuck did I just think?

"WHAT THE FUCK!" Hud's voice shattered my thoughts.

I turned around to see Hudson holding the remnants of his favorite vase, which was now in pieces on the floor, thanks to Felix's drunken antics.

I stood there, rooted to the spot, clutching my phone.

I hadn't even realized I'd been staring at Iris's picture for the past three minutes, lost in my thoughts.

I quickly locked my phone and slipped it into my pocket.

Hudson looked at me, a mix of anger and bewilderment on his face. "Ace, you good, man? You've been acting weird all night," he said, still holding the broken vase.

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