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Ace POV:

My lips smooched against her cheeks gently. 

A whimper slipped out of her lips as she stirred from her sleep.

“Wake up, bambi” I murmured, my lips trailing on her neck. 

Her body rolled on her back, sighing loudly. 

I slid my hand through her waist and pulled her close to me. 

Slowly, the pool of honeys came into my view, making me sigh in content. 

Such a beautiful girl I have got” my lips touched her eyelids making it flutter slowly. 

Her gaze fixed at me, an indescribable emotion flicked through her eyes. 

“It's past 8 a.m” my voice came out barely a whisper. 

“I am…late” her forehead creased slightly. 

“Yeah..take a day off today. I want to spend time with you. With my little girl” I murmured, staring at her eyes. 

Her fingers stroked my beard, gently. 

“Are..are you still angry at me or upset?” she bemoaned.

I clicked my tongue in disapproval.

“Forgive me, baby. I overreacted. I can never be angry at you, amore mio...Let's forget it” without a hesitation, I picked her up making her palms fisting on my turtleneck shirt. 

Her eyes widened by the sudden movement. 

A chuckle slipped out of my lips making her bit on her lower lips, embarrassingly. 

“Can I help you in the bathroom today, bambi?” I asked. 

As we entered the bathroom I eased her on the counter, carefully. 

Her gaze was fixed at me, the dainty hands fisting my dress in attempt to keep me close to her.

“I will take that as a..Yes” I rubbed my nose against hers, murmuring my words. 

Her eyes fluttered slowly and a soft hum left her throat as a response.

After that I slowly brushed her teeth and we showered.

Well I already showered but I don't want slide this opportunity.

I took my time to clean her body as she stayed silent staring at me and her hands fisting my body tightly and sometimes my hair, all the time.

Fuck, next time I have to behave more carefully with her. 

I don't want her to be sad. Well I am the reason. I am the biggest dickhead. 

My lips pursed as I stared at both the dresses that I was holding in my hands. 

“What do you think, bambi? What do you want to wear? I like both" I shrugged my shoulder in response. 

“Whatever you like” she uttered, as my eyes was gazing at her intensely. 

Her cheeks were tinted pink as she sat on the bed with only a towel wrapped around her body. 

She was smelling herself because she applied a lotion on her body. Jasmine flavor of course. 

Well she never knew there was something like flavored or different lotions. Her exacts were like “Mama always puts coconut oil as a lotion on my body. Cheap and affordable for us”. Adorable. 

I smiled and picked up a full sleeve shirt, black tie-waist coat, fleece lined tights. 

Her legs ran inside the dressing room, taking the dress from my hand, happily. 

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