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Ace POV:

Lullaby. Her moans are seducing lullaby.

I watched as her chest rose and fell with each wave of pleasure, her delicate hands gripping the pillows tightly in her ecstasy.

With her lips slightly parted and her eyes shut tight, she surrendered to the sinful pleasure coursing through her body.

As I brought her to climax not once, but twice, her moans intensified, filling the air with a sweet melody of satisfaction. How sweet.

Gently, I swept my finger on her cunt which was covered in her sweet juicesand trailed it over her nipples and lips, reveling in the intimacy of the moment and refusing to let any treasure go to waste.

Hovering above her, I tenderly caressed her sensitive buds with my tongue, treating her with care, savoring every moment of our intimate connection.

Her delicate fingers traced patterns on my shoulder as she moaned softly, lost in the bliss of her sweet pleasure.

"Il mio dolce bambino (My sweet baby),"I whispered, my lips brushing against hers in a tender kiss.

She responded with a tired yet affectionate smile, her enchanting brown eyes meeting mine.

Beneath the sheets, we lay together, covered in sweat beads, finding peace in each other's arms.

"Ace," she murmured, her delicate fingers caressing my cheeks.

I hummed softly, unable to tear my gaze away from her, captivated by her presence.

"Are you sure? I-I am scared," she confessed, her eyes revealing a mix of emotions.

I gently booped her nose, a gesture of reassurance. "You're the best decision I have ever made in my life," I whispered, feeling a surge of love for her.

Our bodies intertwined as we lay in a side-lying position, her slender fingers gently caressing the nape of my neck, drawing me closer to her heart.

Our legs tangled beneath the sheets, mirroring the intertwining of our souls, as we surrendered to the tranquility and passion of our love.

"I like your abs," she giggled, her voice laced with amusement, her eyes sparkling with delight.

Her giggles were like music to my ears, a melody of joy that eased any tension within me.

"It's yours, Bambina," I replied, my tone soft and sincere.

"I like your hair, beard, and everything," Her honeyed voice, filled with excitement, echoed through the room as she expressed her admiration.

I couldn't help but chuckle at her enthusiasm, the sound vibrating against her collarbone as I leaned in to leave a tender kiss, eliciting a shudder from her delicate frame. Beautiful.

Fuck, Aiden your dead. Stupid plan.

"Merda," I cursed under my breath, realizing the abruptness of my request.

"L-l-like living under the same roof?" she asked, her voice tinged with uncertainty, her frown evident.

"Si (Yes)," I replied without hesitation, hovering over her, my gaze unwavering

"I want you, all the time in my house," I confessed, my gaze locked with hers, consumed by the depth of emotion swirling in her eyes.

"What about your friends? I am dumb sometimes, I snore too, I-I watch cartoons, I-I don't like to go out that much, you will be bored.." she voiced her fears, laying them bare before me.

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