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Author POV:

It had been one week since the incident.

Iris was diligently doing her work, adhering strictly to her duties as one of the maids in the mansion.

She completely ignored Ace's presence, acting as if he didn't exist.

Every morning, she would clean the entire mansion meticulously, sometimes even preparing meals.

Her days were long and filled with chores, yet she worked with a quiet efficiency that went largely unnoticed.

Most of the time, Iris was immersed in her work.

Conversations with other staff members were rare, and no one in the mansion really spoke to her except for Melinda.

Melinda was kind and would occasionally offer a kind word or a helping hand, but beyond that, Iris was largely left to her own devices.

She often ended up eating alone and retreating to the maid's quarters at night to sleep.

Whenever Iris heard that Ace was in the mansion, she made sure to stay out of sight, hiding away as he had instructed her to do that day.

The memory of that day was still fresh, the sting of his harsh words and the pain of his rejection lingering.

She had cried because, throughout her life, no one had ever treated her with kindness or shown her any care.

The tiny glimmer of hope she had held for Ace throughout the years, the belief that he might like her, had been utterly shattered.

But for Ace, the situation was more complicated.

Despite his harsh words and actions, he found himself wanting to see her, to catch glimpses of her as she went about her day.

There was something about Iris, especially her eyes, that brought him a sense of peace he couldn't find elsewhere.

It was a feeling he both loved and hated—loving something he knew he shouldn't.

He was drawn to Iris in a way that was entirely new to him.

Her presence, her quiet strength, and the calmness in her eyes called out to him.

Every day he battled with his desire to see her and his need to maintain his composure.

As the days passed, the tension between them remained unspoken but palpable.

Iris POV:

Sad. I am sad...for what, I don't even know, but in this entire house, no one even talks to me.

It feels as if I'm invisible, a ghost moving through a space where no one acknowledges my presence.

I don't even know what's the use of this house when you can't even talk to one another. Lifeless people, every one of them.

I mean, I don't like to talk much either, but these people are really strange.

They move around like shadows, silent and detached.

The only exception is Melinda.

She's the only one who seems to see me, who bothers to exchange a few words with me.

Today, I've decided I'm going to talk to the boss.

It has been a weeks, and Noah hasn't come to take me from this lonely place.

I can't stay here forever, surrounded by silence and him.

Yes, I'm going to talk to him, even though he said not to. It's my life, and I have to take charge of it.

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