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This is a mature chapter. 

Contains Blood, the S word, and mature things.

All people and situations in this story are fiction.


Ace POV:

"Βασιλιάς (King)," Ares handed me the lifeless rabbit, his expression serious.

I took the rabbit and wrapped it with the other animals we had caught—a mixture of fish and deer—before throwing them over my shoulder.

I felt a surge of happiness wash over me. Happy that she willingly wanted to be mine, happy that she only desires to be mine.

"Ares," I uttered, breathing heavily as we rested in the middle of the forest, preparing for tonight's feast.

It was just Ares, myself, and three other men on this hunting, and now we were all seated on a large stone, catching our breath.

"Έχετε κάνει ποτέ σεξ με παρθένα πριν (Have you ever had sex with a virgin before)?" I asked, my curiosity getting the better of me.

I fucked many girls but not a virgin, because virginity is not something that can be undone.

" Όχι, βασιλιά. (No, king)," Ares said, scratching his neck.

"Έχω, βασιλιά (I have, King)," Ajax's admission caught my attention.

"Πώς νιώθεις (How does it feel)?" I inquired, intrigued by his response.

"Παράδεισος (Paradise)," Ajax muttered, a satisfied grin spreading across his face.

"Πήρα λίγο αίμα για σένα, βασιλιά (I got some blood for you, King)," Ares hand me a vial filled with blood.

I chuckled as I gulped down the blood in one swift motion, relishing the heavenly sensation it brought.

The liquid flowed smoothly down my throat, and I let out a low groan of satisfaction as I shook my head slightly.

"Δεν πειράζει, Άρη. Δεν πρόκειται να κάνω τίποτα. Μπορείτε να βάλετε κάτω το μαχαίρι (It's okay, Ares. I'm not going to do anything. You can put down the knife)," I murmured, my eyes closing in relaxation.

"Απλά να είσαι προσεκτικός, βασιλιά (Just being cautious, King)," Ares responded, and I could hear the sound of the knife sliding back into its sheath.

"More, I want more," my hands growing sweaty with anticipation. I needed more blood.

"Εάν πίνετε περισσότερο, μπορεί να επηρεάσει την υγεία σας (If you drink more, it can affect your health)," he warned, his posture stiffening with concern.

Ignoring his caution, I rose to my feet, and they all instinctively took a step back, wary of my heightened state.

"Είναι παρελθόν 6, η βασίλισσα πρέπει να σας περιμένει (It's past 6, Queen must be waiting for you)," Ares reminded me.

Queen... She's my little girl.

I chuckled softly and shook my head in amusement.

"Let's go. I assume everything will be ready by now," I declared, hefting our food supplies over my shoulder.

We made our way out of the forest, the quiet enveloping us like a comforting cloak.

As we came out of the forest I saw lighting, chattering, and laughing sounds echoing.

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