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Author POV:

"FUCK! FUCK!" Ace's enraged roar echoed through the mansion as he ran his hands through his disheveled hair.

His anger was raw and palpable, a storm of emotions that had erupted uncontrollably.

The broken vases and shattered glasses strewn across the floor were a testament to his fury.

In Hudson's room, the rest of the guys stood around, seemingly unfazed by the chaos. Their expressions ranged from concern to curiosity, but none dared to intervene.

Aiden, meanwhile, was meticulously guarding the injured rabbit.

"Are you out of your mind?" Liam asked calmly, his voice steady despite the disarray around him.

But Ace was fuming with anger, regretting what he said that time.

Ace's mind was racing as he reflected on the harsh words he had unleashed.

The realization that Iris had heard him added another layer of regret to his already conflicted feelings.

He hadn't meant to hurt her, but the damage was done.

Without acknowledging Liam, Ace stormed out of the house, his steps heavy with frustration.

The screech of his tires as he drove away was a stark contrast to the calm that the others tried to maintain.

"Someone inform the maids to clean this shit," Felix exclaimed, his confusion about Ace's behavior evident in his tone.

Felix gently took the rabbit from Aiden, who had been carefully attending to it, and headed towards Ace's bedroom.

When he opened the door, he found Iris sitting on the floor, her expression a mix of sadness and contemplation.

She was frowning to herself, the weight of the earlier events evident in her demeanor.

Her head lifted as she noticed Felix, and she offered a light-hearted smile, though it didn't reach her eyes.

The sadness was clear, but she wasn't crying. Just sad.

"Iris," Felix murmured as he sat down beside her, his voice soft and reassuring.

""Hello," she mumbled under her breath, her voice barely audible.

"Don't mind his words," Felix said gently, trying to soothe her. "He's just angry and... well, he just spit nonsense." He began to stroke the rabbit.

Iris responded with a soft hum, her eyes focused on the small animal. Felix could sense her distress but wasn't sure how to fully address it.

"Let's go to the vet," he suggested, trying to lift her spirits.

She shook her head, her sadness evident. "Can you take it to the vet... please?" she asked, her voice tinged with quiet desperation.

But he keep insisting her. "Come on, Iris," he said softly, but firmly.

After a few moments of coaxing, Iris reluctantly agreed. She reached out and took the rabbit from him.

Felix smiled, a sense of relief washing over him. "Wait here," he said, turning towards the door. "Let me grab the car keys."

Moments later, he returned with the keys in hand, his face lit up with a reassuring smile. "I'll drive us to the vet," he said, showcasing his perfect teeth in a charming grin.

"I really appreciate it," Iris said, her tone softer now. "But you don't have to come. I can manage."

Felix shook his head, his smile unwavering. "Well, I want to. So, wait for me at the hall," he insisted.

His Mini BearWhere stories live. Discover now