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Iris POV:

I grit my teeth as Alex smacked my head. AGAIN. 

“Why the hell am I studying algebra..” I whined. 

Alex's hard eyes peered at me through the thick glasses that stayed at the bridge of his nose. 

I pushed my lower lips forward and started to solve the equation or else he would smack my head for HOURS.

I huffed and handed him the notebook. 

His eyes went through my answer and I looked at him anxiously. 

It was the 3rd time and I am still doing the exact equation. God! I hate math. 

A scoff left his lips and handed me the paper. 

I think he's disappointed that I took half an hour to complete this single equation.

“All right. Pack your bags” He said, his hands organizing his important paperwork. 

My eyes glistened with happiness as I gathered the notebook and stuffed it inside the bag messily. 

“Slowly, Iris. You will rip the notebook” His stern voice was filled with worry. 

I gave him a tight smile and ran outside the room. 

Ahhhgg!... My freedom. 

“Woah! Calm down” Liam gripped my forearm as I ran through the hallways. 

“Where is he? Where is he?” I chanted my words, bounding up and down. 

“No. Your boyfriend will be here after an hour. He said some important things came up” He explained, emotionlessly staring at me. 

I gasped in shock and throwed the bag on the ground, angrily.

“Iris, don't be a brat.” A sigh left his lips as he fold his hands against his chest. 

“IrIs, DoN't Be a BrAt” I mocked him. 

He raised his eyebrows, stunned. 

“You all lied to me. You all are brat, not me!” I said, kicking the bag and storming off. 

“You better say sorry, little girl,” Liam said, aloud. 

“Oh..why.. Are you gonna tell Hudson? Hump! Go on I am not afraid” I scoffed and walked away from there. 

I am studying from 2 in the afternoon and now it's freaking 8.

My tution timing was from 2 p.m to 5 p.m and for one hour I would play with Aiden.

Then Ace will pick me up at 7 in the evening. 

Now it's 8 p.m nor Ace came here or I played with Aiden. 

They all lied that Ace is waiting outside and he requested that I should study more. 


I opened the fridge and took out a carrot. Stress eating.

“Hello! ” Aiden chimed as his voice echoed in the kitchen. 

“I heard what happened. I am sorry that you had to go through all that” Aiden patted my shoulder. 

I nod my head, sighing in content. At least someone understood my pain. 

“I mean spending 1 hour with Alex is hard but you spend like more than 4 hours with's pure hell” Aiden sat on a stool and I sat beside him, nodding my head. 

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