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Ace POV:


She looked different, but in a dangerous way.

I gave her flowers. Jasmine, of course.

She smiled and sniffed at them.

"Thank you," her voice came out as a soft lullaby.

"My pleasure, doll," I murmured, opening the car door.

She deserves courtesy.

I sat on my seat and started the engine .

She played with flowers, biting her lips all the time.

"Mini," I said, placing my hand on her thigh.

"...Yes," she said, eyeing my hand which was placed over her thigh.

God gracious! Those eyes looks so damn good tonight.

I shook my head and looked ahead.

We arrived at the restaurant, which I think Hudson owns.

I got out and opened the door for my little Mini.

I held out my hand and she took it nervously.

"Are you okay, bambi?"," I asked, eyeing our surrounding.

She nodded her head and looked around curiously.

"It's beautiful," she said astonished.

"Yes," I said in a bored tone.

I think going on dates is useless.

I mean it's a rich way to have sex with a girl.

But if I am not going to have sex with her, then what's the point of taking her on a date?

"Maybe you want to tell Felix and Brent that she is yours," my subconscious scoffed making me roll my eyes.

"Thank you," Iris said to the boy who opened the door.

He too smiled and bowed.

We sat down in the middle of the restaurant.

A male waitress came and put down wine and water, and she thanked them also.

"That's their job. You don't have to thank everyone," I said, comfortably sitting on my chair.

"They work all day for their family or themselves. We need to appreciate that, not all people get an appreciation for what they do," she said smiling.

I felt my heart skipping a beat. Dammit!

Her face glowed like a sun because of the candles.

"You know what people do on dates? I mean, you must have been on a lot of dates," she asked, looking around.

A hum left my lips as I looked at her for some seconds.

"No, I don't know what they do," I said truthfully.

Well they talk which bore me to death.

"Black color suits you," she said smiling.

I smirked and raised my eyebrows.

"What is this?" she asked, referring to wine.

"Wine," I said, sipping my wine.

"I saw this in restaurants but I thought it was juice," she said while sipping water.

"Why don't you try it?," I said, referring to the wine.

His Mini BearWhere stories live. Discover now