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Iris POV:


I stirred, feeling the weight of exhaustion pulling at my limbs.

All I wanted was to sink back into the comforting embrace of sleep...

But Quinn's throat-clearing interrupted my drowsy haze, jolting me back to reality.

"Stand up peasant, make me my breakfast," Quinn said in her deep voice.

I rose from the bed and made my way to the kitchen, the cool tiles underfoot offering a brief respite from the heat of the day.

"Wow, are you okay?" Quinn's concern was palpable as she watched me, her brow furrowed in worry.

I nodded in response, unwilling to delve into the depths of my own emotions so early in the morning.

"..Okay," she said with a shrug, returning her attention to her phone as I began preparing breakfast.

Standing at the stove in nothing but shorts and a bra, I couldn't help but feel exposed, vulnerable under Quinn's watchful gaze.

It had been 7 months and 30 days since Ace and I parted ways. 

I hate the word "breakup" with every fiber of my being.

So, it's been 1 year since I loved Ace.

 A light sigh escaped my lips and I flipped the tortilla.

I had already prepared the vegetables the night before, a small attempt to streamline my morning routine and avoid any unnecessary delays.

Ace didn't love me, but I still loved him. 

I always had, and it seemed I always would.

He took my first kiss and he thought I could live with another man. Shameless.

I am not shameless like him. 

I will live as a widow my whole life rather than marry any other man.

I am tainted by him, by Ace.

Plating the tacos and salad, I set the dishes before Quinn, watching as she sniffed the food like a curious puppy.

"Don't use your phone while you eat," I admonished gently, taking my seat beside her.

"Fine, Mom," Quinn quipped, a smirk playing at her lips.

"I'm serious, Quinn. If you don't—" My words were cut short as she interrupted me with a sarcastic remark.

"If you don't look at food while eating, then what's the point of eating, right?" she retorted, her tone dripping with sarcasm.

"Why don't you go and sleep? The restaurant is closed today," she suggested, observing my face.

I shook my head.

"It's okay," I assured her, though the exhaustion weighed heavily upon me.

"I am serious Iris, you didn't sleep that much last night," She said, worryingly.

"Ok," I relented, my hesitation evident as I rose from the table and made my way to the bedroom.

The bedroom was small. Two small beds and one tiny table.

Quinn was a jewelry maker and she made good money.

I work at a restaurant and I made a decent amount of money too. But still less than her.

We both were in Newark.

I flopped down on the bed and felt sleep taking over me.


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