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Iris POV:

I swallowed hard and sank into my seat in the cafeteria.

Despite my troubled state, my food looked appetizing, and I couldn't resist the temptation to dig in. Yummy!

I was alone, surrounded by the chatter and laughter of other students enjoying their meals.

It had been a week since I arrived, yet I still hadn't made any friends.

Occasionally, Ace and I exchanged messages, but it only served to remind me of how much I missed him. 

He was consumed with work, and it had been four days since I last heard his voice.

Pushing my food aside, I rose from my seat, my appetite was gone now.

Slumping back down, I pulled out my history book, forcing myself to focus on the dull pages. Boring but I have to do it.

The words on the pages seemed to blur together, my mind preoccupied with thoughts of him.

Sitting alone in the deserted corridors of the university, I couldn't shake the feeling of emptiness that had settled over me. I really miss him.

My days had fallen into a monotonous routine of studying, playing, and sleeping How bland routine.

Why is studying so boring and confusing?

As I sighed in frustration, a distant groan caught my attention, pulling me out of my reverie.

For a moment, I hesitated, wondering if it was some ghost haunting the halls. It's definitely a ghost.

But as voices grew louder, I realized it was the sound of people, not ghosts.

Curiosity piqued, I cautiously approached the source of the commotion, only to witness the expensive boy and girl, accompanied by their friends, bullying other students.

Fear gnawed at my insides as I instinctively recoiled, realizing the trouble they were causing. 

I knew I should stay out of it, focus on my studies, and avoid unnecessary confrontation.

Stay away from trouble, Iris.

I came here to study, not to be a hero.

as I opened my locker to retrieve my next set of class books, the sight of the bullying victims weighed heavily on my conscience.

I want to help the kids too but I have to stay out of trouble.

But the guilt tugged at my conscience, urging me to take action.

As I bit my lip and tapped my foot nervously, the thought of complaining to the principal crossed my mind.

Standing outside the principal's office, I felt a strange sense of unease mingled with surprise as the principal received my complaint with unexpected kindness and concern.

Weird. Very odd.

I couldn't help but wonder why the principal had taken action instead of simply dismissing the issue or scolding me for bringing it up.

After all, the bullies were from affluent backgrounds, and their families likely had influence within the school.

Why did the principal take action?

The clock struck four in the afternoon, signaling the end of yet another dull class. 

As my classmates began to gather their belongings and filter out of the room with their friends, I remained seated, feeling a sense of isolation wash over me.

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