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Iris POV:

Idiot. I am an Idiot.

Here I am, trying to enjoy my lunch in the quiet corner of the restaurant where all the staff hang out.

I can feel Jeremy and his buddies eyeing me from across the room.

Gosh, can't I work anywhere without being embarrassed?

I took out my phone and saw a message from Quinn asking me to buy eggs.

I sighed and put my phone away.

"Iris," Caleb said, popping up out of nowhere.

My stomach twists into knots as he stared at me and I suddenly find my food fascinating, as if it holds the secrets of the universe.

"Are you afraid of me, Iris," he asked. confidently.

I shake my head, trying to play it cool, but inside, I'm freaking out.

He sticks out his hand, offering friendship like it's the easiest thing in the world. 

I hesitate, feeling awkward as usual.

"Friends," he said, confidently.

Gosh, before I even approach anyone I have to write a script in my mind, re-read the script, and rehearse it before talking to them.

Finally, I shake his hand, feeling like a complete dork.

He just laughs, totally unfazed by my awkwardness.

"What," I asked, frowning.

He leaned forward and smiled.

"You're cute," he said, smiling warmly.

I looked away, blinking my eyes repeatedly.

"You're so cute, Mini Bear"

I shook my head, getting rid of my thoughts.

I gulped and calmed my heartbeat.

"You don't want to know what was the bet about," Caleb asked, curiously.

"I was the only girl who was always lonely here and Jeremy wanted to embarrass me," I replied, looking at him.

He looked stunned.

"Clever girl," he said, eating his food.

"Are you new here," I asked, anxiously.

"No, you just didn't notice me all the time," he said.

"Oh," I said, awkwardly.

"Do you love someone," he asks out of nowhere, and I freeze, my mind going blank.

"I don't know," I whispered, unconsciously.

"Who," he asked, confused.

"No one," I said and fiddled with my food.

"Caleb, come here," a girl yelled looking at Caleb, patting her seat next to her.

I took out my phone to check if Quinn was home or not.

Lunch break was going to be over.

And then, out of nowhere, he swipes my phone and typed something.

"Caleb," I exclaimed.

"Call me," he said and ran away.

I saw his number, complete with some cringey nickname "Sexy Caleb" with a heart emoji.

I quickly change it before he can see "Caleb".

Decent and appropriate.

As I finish up my lunch and start on the dishes, I can't shake the feeling that things are about to get a whole lot more complicated around here.

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