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Ace POV:

"Come on, bambi," I murmured, my voice a tender whisper as I nestled into the warmth of her neck.

In response, she emitted a soft groan, her arms enveloping me tighter, as if afraid to let go.

"You said nobody's hurting you in college, so what's wrong, my love?" I inquired, my fingertips tracing gentle patterns on her bare thighs.

"I... I just want to be with you," she confessed softly.

My gaze softened as I looked into her eyes.

We were dressed, and ready to leave for our respective places. BUT... My Mini had other plans today.

It was already 7:30 and we were still in our room.

After breakfast, I told her to get our things from the room. But, boy I was wrong.

She didn't come back when I checked up on her and found...

There she lay, sprawled across the bed, her gaze fixed on the ceiling, lost in thought and faraway dreams.

And now, here we were, tangled together amidst rumpled sheets and tousled hair. Dammit.

Shifting my position, I settled atop her, one leg nestled between hers, my head finding refuge on the softness of the pillow.

Her eyes gazed at me, drowsily. But she wasn't sleepy.

She let out a soft whine, drawing herself nearer to me, her grip on my shirt tightening.

"You're going to be late," I whispered, our lips hovering tantalizingly close. Such a tease.

She responded with a soft hum, her gaze alternating between my lips and eyes, a silent invitation hanging between us.

I watched as she leaned in, the temptation almost unbearable. God, she's hard to resist.

Her lips made contact, moving achingly slow, tempting and teasing in their seduction.

With a low groan, I couldn't resist any longer, plunging my tongue into her mouth with urgency.

Gently, I nudged against her clothed cunt with my knee, eliciting a soft hum of pleasure from her throat, intensifying the ache of desire within me.

Corrupting. I am corrupting my good girl.

As we reluctantly pulled away, she seized my tie, pulling me closer, seeking solace in the warmth of my embrace, though our lips remained apart.

Not kissing but snuggling inside my neck.

I will die in blue balls.

Before I could dwell further on my lewd thoughts, a sharp knock on the door shattered the moment.

In response, I fisted her hair, forcing her to meet my gaze.

"Mini, don't be a brat," I said, my tone stern, though tinged with desire.

She bit her lip, a whimper escaping her lips as I tightened my grip on her hair, a silent warning.

"Guys," I heard Susan's voice.

Glancing over, I saw Susan leaning against the doorframe, her posture exuding confidence.

Adjusting Iris' frock, though she was already wearing shorts underneath.

"Alex is waiting," she stated matter-of-factly, her gaze unwavering as she awaited our response.

"Hey," Iris greeted, waving to Susan from across the room.

His Mini BearWhere stories live. Discover now