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Ace POV:

When I woke up in the morning, I felt like a complete idiot.

I really thought I fucked anyone while drunk.

But a relief flooded through me as I saw my Mini standing in front of the dressing table, scowling at the dogs in her usual manner.

She then mentioned that I had come to her room last night, wanting to sleep with her.

My heart skipped a beat at that information and I was grateful that I hadn't done anything to hurt her.

After taking a long, cold shower to clear my head, I glanced at the time. It was already 7:50 in the morning.

I hurriedly made my way to the hall, only to come to a sudden stop as I saw Mini sitting on the couch, calmly eating scrambled eggs with pasta.

The sight of Mini there, safe and unharmed, initially filled me with a sense of overwhelming relief, but that feeling quickly dissipated when I noticed the rottweiler sitting calmly beside her, seemingly engrossed in the TV show they were watching together.

Tom and Jerry. She loves that.

But what bothered me the most was the doberman playing with her frock, which flowed down to her knees.

The fucking dog nudged her frock up with its nose, revealing her thighs, before settling comfortably between her legs to watch the cartoon.

Enough is enough.

"Get your ass out of the house before I kick it," I yelled, standing in front of them.

But this girl didn't seem to care, her attention fixed on the television. The doberman growled and sat beside his friend.

" Ti avevo detto di proteggerla e di non sederti troppo vicino a lei (I told you to protect her not sitting too close too her)" I grumbled, straightening her frock. I turned off the TV and looked at her, expecting some kind of reaction.

Instead of glaring or pouting, she remained silent, chewing her food rapidly.

Weird. Very weird.

"Don't let the dogs sit too close to you," I instructed, glaring at them sternly.

They responded with disapproving noises, which only made me scoff in frustration.

"I told them, but they didn't listen. They're just like you, shameless and clingy," she remarked, standing up.

Clingy? What the fuck!

"But I love it when you're clingy, especially to me," she added, before disappearing into the hallways.

That's my Mini.

I smirked at the dogs, who stared back at me emotionlessly.

"Whatever you're up to, I don't care. Don't even think about liking her too much," I warned them, raising my eyebrows.

After a few moments, she returned with a tote bag slung over her shoulder and her hair styled in a half bun.

"So, take some rest. Don't you dare go to the office. You're hosting a party today. You have to look refreshed and clean instead of like a zombie," she instructed, smiling at me.

Placing a firm kiss on my forehead, she began to put on her Converse.

My eyes widened as she bent down to tie her shoelaces, revealing a hint of cleavage.

She was dressed in a floral dress with a square neckline.

"You're not going out in this dress," I blurted out, my tone more abrupt than intended.

His Mini BearWhere stories live. Discover now