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Iris's POV:

It's all my fault!

If I hadn't touched his tattoos, none of this would have happened. I knew things were going to go wrong.

I avoided him and his girlfriend all day, paralyzed by fear and guilt. It was a foolish mistake to have touched him, especially since it was so personal and intrusive.

Stupid Iris, now they're going to fight.

Even though I know him for years, that doesn't give me the right to touch him, particularly when he wasn't wearing a shirt. Bad girl.

I'm planning to apologize tomorrow, but for now, it's too risky.

Athena is likely to lash out at me, and I don't want to deal with her anger right now.

Maybe I can try to apologize to the boss instead. That should be safer for the time being.

It's late—around 11:30 at night. He's probably still awake, so it's worth a try to speak with him now.

As I walked up the stairs, a sudden voice halted me.

"What are you doing here?" a guard's voice questioned, filled with suspicion.

I tried to stay calm. "Oh, Sir! I was going to see the boss," I explained, hoping my honesty would prevent any trouble.

The guard studied me for a moment, his expression unreadable.

Then, he pulled out a walkie-talkie and spoke into it in a language I didn't understand.

After a brief exchange, he guided me to the boss's room.

"Thank you for your help, Sir," I said, bowing in gratitude as we arrived.

The guard just left without saying a word, his silence making me feel even more anxious.

My mom would slapped my face if I turn my back like this to someone. Especially when their talking or to any elder people's.

I shrugged off my nervousness as I approached the door and raised my hand to knock. But before I could make contact, the door swung open abruptly, and there stood the boss... nakey.

My eyes widened in shock, and I quickly averted my gaze, focusing on his neck instead..

"Ummm....boss.. Iwanttoapologizeforwhathappenedyesterday", I stammered, the words tumbling out in a rush. My heart was pounding so hard I could hear it in my ears.

There was a long, tense silence. Then, he finally spoke, his voice cold and detached.

"Iris," he uttered, and my name sounded like a reprimand.

Was he angry?

"Okay, boss. Good night. I am sorry for disturbing you and please..." I began to retreat, wanting to escape the awkward situation, but he silenced me by placing his index finger against his lips.

"Do you know how to massage?" he asked, rubbing his temple as if he had a headache.

I glanced at him to see if he was joking, but his serious expression indicated he wasn't.

"Uhh... Yes, boss," I murmured, surprised by his request.

"Then massage my back," he instructed, turning and heading back into his room.

Stunned, I followed him, my mind racing.

"Well, boss... I think you didn't hear what I said. Your girlfriend will be angry if she finds out... oh my~~" I trailed off as he nonchalantly removed his pants.

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