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Iris POV:


It was the only thing I felt when I woke up from my unconsciousness.

My head was hurting because of how they gripped my hair tightly.

I am thirsty.

I think my saliva is also dried up.

Am I going to die?

It's not like I didn't try to die before but he saved me that time...

Maybe not this time.

I sat up slowly and shook my head as my head hurted like hell.

Slowly, I rubbed my eyes, clearing my vision.

My dress is wet and dirty.

I closed my eyes and took slow and deep breaths, calming my body.

Isaac hide a little camera on the pen holder that's why the guards were furious at me.

It just doesn't cause chaos.

A disaster.

Their men were killed, crores of losses occurred and Hudson was going to die from a car accident but he didn't.


They all are thinking I am the one who is the culprit but I will not tell them Isaac's name.

I know they will kill me.

I know what Isaac did is unforgivable.

But I don't want to lose Isaac again.

Released a shaky breath, I leaned my back against the wall.

My chest felt tight.

Tears were blurring my vision and flowed down my cheeks helplessly.

My first boyfriend is going to kill me.

I closed my eyes and lay down.

"I don't want your money, just be with me every day, Mini"

I smiled in melancholy as his words lingered in my mind.

All these years I stayed away from him but again my faith dragged me towards him unknowingly.

I didn't ask all this, I just wanted my brother to live happily.

But my faith again betrayed me.


My eyes widened and my lips parted in fear.

"Please, god help me," I mumbled squeezing my eyes tightly.

I crawled  to the corner of the cell and pressed myself against the wall, whimpering.

My body is hurting and I want to sleep.

Please god, save me.

I can't bear another slap. It hurts.

"Iris," a male voice echoed in the room, making me relief a bit.

I looked at Aiden, desperately.

He opened the cell and squatted down beside me.

"It's okay, it's okay," his hand cautiously aside my hair which was sticking to my face.

He picked me up and I whimpered in pain as he touched my knees.

"I am sorry, just a little more," he said, sorrowfully.

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