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Author POV:

Iris smiled unsurely as she get weird stares from the guys.

"Tell me you're joking because nowhere in the world it seems real," Su murmured, rolling her eyes.

Iris nodded her head, sighing.

"Did you kiss someone?," Felix asked, raising his eyebrows.

"No," Iris said and resumed her cooking quickly.

She asked the guys "If you kiss someone it means they love each other" but they all call her stupid for that.

"So, Iris how's Ace treating you," Leo asked hesitatingly.

She nodded her head, humming.

"Penso che gli piaccia davvero davvero (I think he really really likes her)," Ivan said laughing.

"ti fastidio? (Is it bothering you?) ," Ace said leaning at the kitchen doorway.

Everyone looked at him, stunned.

He said the words to Ivan but his attention and his eyes, were on her.

Maybe it was always on her.

"Nope," Ivan said, smirking.

Iris looked away biting her lips.

She is afraid of him but she likes him too.

A awkwardness spread around the kitchen as his intense gaze fixed on her for some minutes.

"Ace" Hudson called, pulling a chair for him.

He sat on the kitchen table and Iris gave him his coffee, nervously.

"Mini," he murmured.

She hummed in response and offered a nonchalant smile.

"You look beautiful," he said, placing his hand on her waist.

"," she mumbled, terrified.

I mean really when a Greek god praises you, you will have a heart attack in shock.

"Y-Y-You look handsome t-t-too, um... your dress looks neat and your waistcoat... looks so elegant, more like you.... look like a 5-star meal," Iris ended her innocent awkward praise for Ace with a chef kiss, flashing a pretty smile.

He smirked, placing a kiss on back of her hand.

"I hate the speech but I like the chef kiss though," Aiden said mimicking Iris's chef kiss.

She grumble under her breath.

Ace gently makes her sit on his lap and joined his hand with her.

"I will be late tonight. Don't stay up too late," he said and kissed her chubby cheeks.

She nodded her head, sadly.

Even though she fears him she is not going to deny the fact that she loves to sleep with him.

It's cozy.

"Come on Mini don't be sad," he said, pulling her close so that their faces were close to each other.

But her mood was sad already.

Little did she know it was clearly evident on her face.

Su cleared her throat, making Aiden chuckle.

"I am not sad," she murmured , lost in her thoughts.

Still unaware that they are in the kitchen and everyone is watching them balling their eyes out but Ace was aware.

His Mini BearWhere stories live. Discover now