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Ace POV:


Her eyes widened and a frown formed on her face. How cute.

"Come on, Mini," I coaxed gently, underlying my request as I pulled a chair over to sit facing the bed.

Settling down, I positioned myself comfortably, spreading my legs apart, and fixing my gaze upon her own.

She emitted a soft whine, her lips bearing the impression of a nervous nibble.

"Mini," I addressed her with a blend of sternness and lust in my tone.

"Blankets," her voice barely above a murmur.

"Tsk, Bambi. Then how could I see your hands?" My disapproval evident in the slight click of my tongue.

"I am not a patient man and you know that," I admitted with a deep intake of breath.

My cock was fully hard. Proudly.

I was sure the bulge was too prominent by now.

My eyes darkened with longing as she hesitated, then slowly spread her legs, revealing her glorious nectar. Wet nectar.

With delicate grace, her hands found their place on her hips before gliding down her body.

She closed her eyes, the rhythm of her breaths echoing the quickening pace of my own heart.

"Eyes on me, little one," I commanded, a hint of restraint in my voice as I give a squeeze to my clothed cock. Hard.

Her gaze met mine, a shy vulnerability mingling with the burgeoning desire in her eyes.

A sharp intake of breath escaped as she teased her clit with gentle strokes.

She held my gaze, her rosy cheeks, chest panting and parted lips exuding a magnetic allure that captivated my senses.

Her little finger slide through her folds slowly, a dance of temptation.

"Too beautiful, amore mio" I whispered in awe.

My eyes fixated on her finger as she caressed the delicate pearl nestled between her folds, a soft whimper escaping her lips in response to the overwhelming pleasure.

"Do you like it?" I husked.

A nod of affirmation followed by a soft hum.

The room felt suffocatingly small, the air heavy with unspoken words and dark desires.

And she stopped, unfortunately.

"This is what I did" her voice carried a breathless confession.

My heart skipped a beat as my gaze shifted from her glistening nectar to her flushed face.

Her cheeks flushed a deeper shade of crimson. I want more.

Her eyes fluttered when I looked at her intensely, creating a palpable tension that only deepened her shyness as she averted her gaze.

She sat up and covered her body with the fur blanket immediately.

"You're such a tease, Mini" I murmured standing up, my chest rising and falling deeply.

Her gaze drifted to the bulge, her reaction a blend of curiosity and restraint but looked away, biting her lower lips. Dammit.

She shook her head.

"Really," I remarked with a soft chuckle as I teased her gently.

"You know I love your body, so why hide it, you naughty girl?" I drawled.

His Mini BearWhere stories live. Discover now