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Ace POV:

I motioned my fingers in the air and the guards left, immediately.

She stood there, embarrassingly.

And started to walk away, hanging her head low and squeezing her eyes.

'Mini," I said, sighing deeply.

She stopped and turned around very slowly.

I can just imagine her whining now.

A small smile formed on my lips as her enchanting eyes met mine.

My hands pat my thighs, gently.

She gulped as my friends stared at her intensely.

"Smettila di guardarla, cazzo (Stop fucking looking at her.)," I said, snickering.

Everyone resumed their work, murmuring something under their breath.

She slowly walked towards me and sat stiffly on my lap as her head hung low.

I wrapped my hand around her waist.

"Tired?" I asked, stroking her hair.

"Hmm" a meek hum left her throat as her legs bounced a little.

"I killed five people today, Mini," I murmured.

She looked at me with wide eyes.

"..Why?" she asked, turning her head towards me.

A chuckle left my lips at her innocence.

"Pretty doll, that's what I like about you. You don't jump to conclusions," I said, palming her face in my hand and stroking her cheeks.

"They betrayed my trust," I uttered, nuzzling my face against her neck.

"Oh...," she said, frowning.

"Have you eaten?"," I asked her, bouncing my knees slightly.

"No," she said and looked around the living room.

"Go freshen up and come back here in 5 minutes, UNDERSTAND," I said sternly.

She left immediately without turning around.

I saw Hudson and Felix looking at me.

I raised my eyebrows, and they sighed deeply.

My eyes again started to looking through the files.

Even if I killed the moles, I have to make up for the loss.

Damn pain in the ass.

"Ivan," I said.

"Yes boss," he said, standing up already.

"1 plate of fried rice and ice cream," I said, emotionlessly.

He frowned and left.

"You just ate," Leo said chuckling, making me roll my eyes.

After a few minutes, my little Mini came and sat on my lap, obediently.

"You look beautiful, baby," I said and kissed her gently on her lips.

She looked startled and looked around to see if anyone was watching us.

I laughed and told her to sit down next to me and she did, hurriedly.

Looks like my Mini is not a fan of PDA.

After 10 minutes, the food came.

The whole time, Iris sat next to me obediently and watched me work on my paperwork.

His Mini BearWhere stories live. Discover now