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Iris POV:

I scratched my hair, my frustration mounting silently as I lingered outside our bedroom door, wrestling with my thoughts.

It was 4:15 in the afternoon, and for the past two minutes, I'd been at a loss for words.

What on earth was I going to say to him?!

Sorry, Ace, I left you with a painful hardness because Su saw my boobs hanging outside my top!! No!

He's my boyfriend, for goodness' sake. A man who, by now, knows all the hidden moles on my body and more

My ears perked up as the door knob moved, signaling his imminent arrival.

Without a moment to spare, I darted towards a nearby pillar, seeking refuge in its shadow.

Heart pounding, I covered my face with my hands and sent silent prayers to every god I could think of.

The sound of the door closing reverberated through the hallway, and I released a relieved sigh.

Phew. Saved by luck.

Slowly, I lowered my hands and cautiously peeked towards the door, my curiosity getting the better of me.

God! I am behaving like his ex- girlfriend who broke up with him weeks ago. Why am I like this?

With a pout, I turned the doorknob and clicked the lock shut behind me, the sound echoing in the room.

But as I stepped inside, the sight that greeted me sent a wave of unease through my stomach.

There he was, seated calmly in a chair, his eyes fixed unwaveringly on mine, his expression unreadable.

I cleared my throat nervously before offering a hesitant wave. "Ahem... Hey..."

"Welcome home, Mini," he greeted, glancing at his watch.

"You're home early," I remarked, my voice tinged with surprise as I moved towards the bathroom.

"Yeah," he responded, his gaze lingering on me as I retreated.

As I slid the bathroom door shut behind me, I released a shaky breath, feeling the weight of unspoken tension between us.

Stepping into the warm embrace of the shower, I let the lukewarm water soothe my muscles and quiet my racing thoughts.

After what felt like an eternity under the soothing stream, I emerged from the shower, wrapping a plush towel securely around my body.

With the towel draped over my head, I began the familiar ritual of drying my damp hair

Humming a soft tune to disguise the nervous flutter in my chest, I emerged from the bathroom, my steps cautious and deliberate.

Oh my. I noticed he was still seated in the same spot, his gaze fixed ahead as if lost in a labyrinth of thoughts.

My heart quickened its pace, a rush of apprehension flooding over me as I tiptoed towards the closet, hoping to escape his scrutiny unnoticed.

"Come here," his deep, husky voice commanded, resonating through the room and freezing me in my tracks.

"But...dress," I murmured, feeling a blush creeping up my cheeks.

He hummed softly, clicking his tongue.

"Iris," he said, turning his head to look at me, his gaze piercing.

"Okay," I gulped, my voice barely above a whisper, as I slowly approached him.

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