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Iris POV:

After bidding farewell to everyone, I left the cozy cafe at 4:10 in the late afternoon, feeling content and grateful.

Today was a great day, indeed.

Because everyone talked to me so nicely and even said "they like to work with me".

Just a short ten minutes later, I found myself standing outside Hudson's house.

As I entered, Alex's familiar voice broke the silence of the hall.

"Hey...You're early today for your classes," he noted cheerfully, his tone tinged with curiosity.

"Yeah...Is Liam home?" I inquired, scanning the room in search of any clue to his whereabouts.

"Yes, in his room. Why?" he questioned, his curiosity piqued by my quest.

Expressing a nonchalant shrug, I muttered, "I haven't seen him in a while," before making my way towards Liam's bedroom.

"I hope you revised what we studied two days ago," he yelled, breaking the silence of the room with his stern remark.

Responding confidently, I shouted back, "Yeah".

Standing in front of Liam's door with a feeling of a mix of anticipation and nervousness as I raised my hand to knock.

Patience slowly ticking by, I waited for what seemed like an eternity, each passing second filled with its own suspense.

The door creaked as it swung open, revealing Liam's familiar, yet mysteriously guarded expression.

His cold gaze locked onto mine, uttering only a single word, "Principessa."

I greeted him with a big, genuine smile. "Hiiii," I chirped, my eagerness to see him evident in my tone.

He made his way inside, settling down on the plush couch, "What are you doing here?" his question was tinged with a hint of suspicion, his eyes never leaving mine.

"Just came here to see you and ask some things." I casually threw myself onto his neatly made bed.

Trust me, I have gone to everyone's bedroom, even Su's and god, they all have the best beds, each with their own unique charm and impeccable comfort.

" it related to Ace?" Liam's query cut through my thoughts.

Bingo. Cleverness.

"Yes...About what happened in the village. That night." I spoke.

"I am confused. Like Everyone gave me little pieces of information and it's all messed up in my head," I confessed, feeling confused by the fragmented details that had been shared with me.

With a contemplative gaze, Liam remained silent for a few minutes, his expression unreadable as he processed my words.

"You still want to know?" His question carried a mix of surprise and concern.

"Yes. I really want to," I affirmed, sitting up in a cross-legged position, a determined glint in my eyes.

"I hope you're not busy though," I added, a touch of embarrassment coloring my tone as I realized I hadn't considered his time earlier.

"I am free," Liam reassured me, his attention momentarily shifting to the tablet in his hand.

"Tell me what you have known by now?" He asked, comfortably sitting on the couch.

"That his parents died when he was 7 years old, and then he killed Hudson's father because he was the reason. Then for some years, he stayed there so you all went to meet him there," I stated.

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