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Ace POV:

What the fuck is she doing here! Fucking Idiot!

My legs moved forward instinctively as Iris ran toward me. But when she saw me, she halted abruptly, her eyes locking onto mine.

Her chest heaved, and she stumbled back in fear, gasping for breath.

The terror in her eyes was unmistakable. She was scared of me, and I hated seeing that.

Behind her, the boys were shouting, and Iris began to retreat, her gaze fixed on me with wide eyes. Her fear was palpable, and it only fueled my anger.

One of the boys grabbed her by the hair and slapped her hard, dragging her away again. My grip on my gun tightened as I clenched my jaw.

In a swift, decisive motion, I drew my gun and fired. The bullet struck the boy, and he fell to the ground.

Iris's body shook violently as a scream tore from her throat, echoing through the park.

I turned my gaze back to Iris, my anger barely contained.

What if I was not here?

She would be raped by them brutally.

Her legs gave out, and she crumpled to the ground, sobbing in utter despair.

"Boss!" Ivan's voice broke through my fog of frustration.

I glanced at the guards who were now sweeping the park with a sense of urgency.

"Clean it," I ordered, my voice tight with anger as I aggressively holstered my gun. The harshness of my command was almost a reflex.

I strode toward her, grabbing her forearm tightly.

"Are you an idiot? Do you have anything up here, moron?" I demanded, my grip harsh and my voice laden with frustration.

"Please! P-Please leave me... D-Don't k-kill me." Her words were barely coherent through her rapid, panicked breathing.

I forced myself to take a deep breath, striving to calm the storm within. I instructed the guards to take care of the bodies.

I led her away from the scene, my hands on her waist to steady her as her entire body shook uncontrollably.

"Iris, look at me! Fucking calm down!" I yelled, my voice carrying a desperate edge as I rubbed her waist in a futile attempt to calm her.

I gently grasped her face, making her meet my eyes. Her face was flushed, her cheeks wet with tears and faint finger marks, and her lips were trembling as she gasped for air.

I would have cut the boys' arms instead of shooting him. The thought of merely ending their lives felt too easy.

As I wiped her tears with my thumb, I noticed her delicate hands gripping my suit with an almost desperate strength.

"Look at me," I instructed softly, my voice barely more than a whisper.

It took several minutes for her to calm down. I continued to stroke her cheeks to soothe the pain away, and held her close to me.

In that moment, I realized how much I missed her presence, though I had no clear understanding of why.

Why was this affecting me so deeply?

I barely knew Iris, yet her vulnerability stirred emotions I hadn't expected.

Suddenly, she broke free from my grasp, her eyes wide and her body shaking as if coming back to her senses.

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