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Ace POV:

There was something unique about her, but I couldn't put my finger on it.

Despite being complete opposites, we shared some common ground.

She was sleeping, snoring a little bit. Cute.

She was lying in a side-lying position, her head on my right forearm and my other hand cupping her cunt.

A string of saliva sticking to my hand connected to her lips.

Last night was one of my memorable nights. NO! A pleasurable paradise.

My own paradise. A forbidden paradise.

Yet I made her mine.

I nuzzled my face into the crook of her neck, feeling as if I had found heaven itself.

Her scent reminded me of something that belonged to me – a mix of sandalwood and musk.

It was 8 and we were still lying in the disheveled bed, cocooned inside the fur blanket.

Suddenly, a distressed whimper reached my ears and caused me to open my eyes in concern.

"Sh... it's okay," I reassured her, continuing to rub her belly soothingly. Her gaze wandered, unfocused, as if caught between dreams and waking reality.

Her face turned towards the ceiling and her saliva stuck on the edge of her lips and on my forearm.

Her eyes fluttered open, but they were heavy with drowsiness.

"Sonno. Sleep," I murmured softly, planting a tender kiss on her neck.

Her eyes opened, brows furrowed deeply.

"Pee," she mumbled, her hand instinctively reaching to rub her eyes.

I removed her hands and gently rubbed her eyes.

With a small whimper, she shifted onto her back, her discomfort evident.

"I'm sorry, baby," I apologized, my hand moving to massage her hips gently. She looked at me with an indescribable expression.

I got out of bed and hastily retrieved my disheveled pants from the floor.

She sat up and whimpered in pain.

"Baby, is it hurting so much? Do you wanna go to the hospital?" I asked, my heart pounding against my chest.

She shook her head and attempted to stand, but her movements were strained.

"Are you listening to me or not? You're in pain, let me help you," I said, frustration creeping into my voice.

When I reached out to assist her, she looked away, her head hung low. Anger began to simmer within me.

Did she regret it?

Was she angry at me?

She stood up, clutching the blanket tightly around her body.

A yelp escaped her lips as I picked her up in a bridal style.

Exiting the hut, I placed her in front of the bathroom.

It wasn't luxurious, but it would do.

"Do you want me to help you inside?" I asked, my anxiety evident.

She shook her head and entered the washroom. I grumbled to myself.

"Baby, are you okay?" I yelled through the door.

"Yeah," came her muffled response.

I entered the hut, grabbed a towel, and stood outside the washroom, holding it in my hand.

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