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Ace POV:


I sat up, breathing roughly, after doing my abdominal crunches.

I took off my T-shirt and wiped my sweaty face.

After that, I did five sets of planks for 30 minutes.

When I looked at the time, it struck past 7 in the morning.

I sat down on the floor after finishing my workout, panting.

I saw texts from my friends asking me to come back.

I was staying in Pittsford Village. A small cabin in the middle of the forest, away from the city.

No maids, No thousands of guards, or anyone.

It was just me and the specific 5 guards.

Quickly I freshened up and cleaned my bed, which was messy as hell.

And I made scrambled eggs and papaya juice.

I suck at cooking.

It was the only thing that I could make perfectly.

I learned to make this food for my mother.

But still, I hate cooking though.

"Βασιλιά, το αυτοκίνητο έφτασε (King, the car has arrived.)," Ares informed me.

"Ήταν αρκετά τα χρήματα; (Was the money sufficient? )," I asked, washing the dirty utensils.

"Ναι βασιλιά (Yes king)," he said, candidly.

" Όλοι θέλουν να σε γνωρίσουν (They all want to meet you)," he said.

I nod my head, wiping my hands with a towel.

It was past 8 when I arrived at the east coast branch.

Everyone was bowing and Ivan was telling me about the meetings and appointments.

As I sat in my office and started to work, peacefully.

The door swing opened forcefully, and my friends came inside, scowling and emotionlessly staring at me.

All of them were here.

It's going to be hectic.

"Finally! You showed up," Leo said sarcastically.

"Are you becoming soft, Mr. Salvatore?" Susan asked mockingly.

"You need to meet her; she's still shaken up from everything," Aiden murmured coldly, playing with his butterfly knife.

"What about his brother when we know that fucking punk was the one who was behind all this," Alex said, coarsely.

"No one will touch Isaac," I said, emphasizing every word.

"Why? Because the girl you fuck begged you to leave him," Su said, contemptuously.

I stood up abruptly, making everyone stand up, alertly.

I clenched my jaw and released a long and deep breath.

"Where are the details?" I said, folding my shirt sleeves till my elbow.

Liam handed me the details of his brother.

"Isaac was working for the royal family before we killed them," he said, curtly.

"After that, he renewed his identity but he forgot his sister has some details of him that we used," he said, smirking.

I nod my head and stared at my computer screen blankly.

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