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Ace POV:

I sighed heavily, feeling the weight of my emotions settle like a heavy fog around me. 

It was a realization that dawned on me gradually over the past few months, creeping into my consciousness like a persistent whisper.

I was undeniably, hopelessly whipped for her.

Every fiber of my being seemed to bend to her will, willingly and without reservation.

It was as if she held the strings to my heart, guiding me with her gentle hands.

She wanted me to prioritize my well-being, to ensure I slept for at least seven hours a day, to nourish myself with three meals, and to take care of my physical and mental health.

When I've questioned her about these peculiar conditions, she simply responds with a kiss on the cheek and a warm embrace.

And each time, I find myself falling for her even harder.

With each passing day, I found myself willingly complying, not out of obligation but out of an overwhelming desire to fulfill her wishes. And with each act of compliance, I discovered a deeper affection blooming within me, binding me to her with unbreakable bonds.

She remains in that scrappy house because, in her eyes, I'm still just a friend, not her boyfriend.

It's been a month, and yet here I am, still just a friend to her. Fuck me.

She keeps her distance, treating me with kindness but maintaining that boundary of friendship.

But damn, it's hard to keep my feelings in check when all I want is to be with her, to be more than just friends.

My heart, my body, every fiber of my being longs for her, craves her presence like a parched desert thirsts for rain.

I find myself succumbing to the primal urge, seeking solace in the intimacy of my own touch, but it's a hollow comfort, a mere shadow of what I truly crave.

The thought of another woman's touch feels foreign, almost sacrilegious, as if my heart has erected a fortress around her, warding off any would-be intruders. 

For her, and her alone, holds the key to unlocking the deepest recesses of my soul, to touching parts of me that have long lain dormant.

I just want her. Only her.

My friends, upon learning of our relationship, reacted with a mix of shock and concern.

Eventually, everyone accepts it except the witch, Susan.

But she is also accepting, Slowly.

They couldn't understand the depth of what I felt for her, the intensity of our connection. To them, it seemed reckless, perhaps even foolish.

Taking a deep breath, I knocked on the door, eager to finally open up to her about my past.

I had told her I wasn't ready to share before, and she had understood, giving me the time and space I needed. But now, I feel like it's time to let her in, to share that part of myself with her.

Now, who in the hell leaves a girl like her? My little Mini.

As the door swings open, revealing her standing there in a mini skirt and cartoon shirt, looking absolutely adorable, I can't help but smile.

She greets me shyly before ushering me inside.

I've been slowly introducing her to physical intimacy, and it made her a bit shy around me lately. Maybe so much.

His Mini BearWhere stories live. Discover now