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Iris POV:

Open. People here are so open and kind.

As I stood at the edge of the waterfall, I couldn't help but notice that all the women's around me were completely unclothed.

Unlike them, I stood out with my attire, the drawstrings of my petticoat securely fastened around my upper chest.

"Iris, come inside," Penelope beckoned from the water, her own naked form unbothered by the openness.

I hesitated, feeling a mix of curiosity and apprehension.

"Umm... Penelope, do I have to be naked too?" I inquired, glancing around at the other women in the water.

"Come on, don't be afraid. Not a single man will peek or come here," she assured me, her tone reassuringly candid.

With a deep breath, I loosened the strings of my petticoat and carefully set it aside on the ground, away from the water.

Stepping into the lukewarm water as it enveloped my body up to my neck.

I glanced around, making sure no one was watching.

Nope, every woman here seemed perfectly at ease, completely naked.

"Βασίλισσα," some twenty-something girls started chatting with Penelope.

"Iris, follow me," penelope beckoned, walking away from the waterfall.

I trailed behind her, feeling a bit nervous.

She settled on the damp ground and gestured for me to join her.

I did my best to avoid looking at anyone's kitty-pitty. 

The women here seemed like goddesses, all natural beauty, no artificial enhancements.

As I sat down, I couldn't help but notice my thighs. They always looked bigger when I sat.

"Έχετε ένα όμορφο σώμα," one of the girls said.

I glanced at Penelope, who just chuckled.

"You have a beautiful body," she said.

"Thank you," I replied, bowing slightly.

They exchanged glances and giggled before suddenly placing something in my hands and on my feet.

"Ugh... Penelope," I murmured, my eyes blinking rapidly in surprise. 

"It's turmeric paste, it's good for the skin," Penelope explained, her tone gentle as she began to apply it to her own body.

"I can apply it myself," I mumbled, feeling a bit awkward.

"No! You're our queen, we have to take care of you," she insisted firmly, her eyes reflecting a sense of duty.

Penelope turned to address the other women, who shook their heads in disapproval, their eyes widening in shock.

"They're also against you," Penelope pointed out, her voice tinged with amusement.

"We must take care of our queen," she continued, her tone now carrying a hint of reverence.

"You'll get used to it while you're here," she concluded, smirking.

I couldn't help but giggle and shake my head in response.

"Are you excited for tomorrow?" Penelope asked, breaking the tranquil silence.

I glanced at her, feeling a bit confused. The sensation of the turmeric paste being applied to my body was oddly soothing, almost lulling me into a sleepy state.

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