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Third Person POV:


She lay on the floor in pain.

He knelt beside her, inspecting her body.

His fingers lightly tapped her cheeks, attempting to bring her some comfort, as she squinted her eyes, whimpering.

"Is it hurting so much?" he asked softly, leaning in, he kissed her tear-streaked cheeks gently.

She sucked in a breath, her chest heaving with the effort, and cried out in pain.

Each inhale and exhale sent waves of agony through her body.

"I don't like you, your skin is kind of rough. You're pretty, though," he said, stroking her bloodied head

He broke her ribcage, and some cuts and tried to stuff a rod inside her but he didn't. Not yet.

She was naked, her flesh slick with her own blood.

Both of her hands were twisted grotesquely, one ankle was bent backward unnaturally, and her hair strands were ripped off her head one by one.

A long needle was cruelly inserted inside her cheek, her bloodied tongue lying lifelessly on the floor.

The light faded from her eyes, and with a final, shuddering breath, she died, brutally.

He found the sight arousing.

"I want another doll to play with," he thought, a twisted anticipation curling within him.

"Soft skin, brown eyes, fragile and cute," he murmured, sighing as he unbuckled his pants and hovered above her lifeless body.

His mind was already racing ahead, thinking about the next victim.

This one was done, and he needed more—something softer, more delicate, more easily broken.

Iris POV:

"What do you mean by 'he likes you'?" I exclaimed.

What the hell is wrong with this girl?

"Nick likes you," Ali repeated, sitting beside me.

Yeah, I had changed my seat.

"Well, tell him I'm not interested," I stated firmly.

"You don't have to be that straight. I mean, give it a try," she suggested, smiling.

"No," I said, decisively ending the discussion.

Give it a try. My foot.

Never in my life will I "give it a try" to someone.

God dammit, I have a man outside this university.

"Iris," Edrick called out, standing in front of my table.

"Yes?" I asked, offering a nonchalant smile. Spoiled brat.

"Are you coming tonight?" he asked, pushing me back into my seat and sat beside me, too close for my liking.

"Yah! This is my seat," I whined.

He rolled his eyes. "Tell me," he insisted, smiling at Ali.

"Where?" I asked, huffing.

"To my house," he said, flashing his perfect teeth.

"Why?" I asked, perplexed.

"Hudson didn't tell you?" he said, looking bewildered.

"What?" I replied, feeling my heartbeat quicken.

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