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Ace POV:


She is seducing me.

The way she smiles, her eyes sparkling whenever she gets curious about something, her little body that fits perfectly against me, her whining when I don't sleep with her.

Especially, her goddamn eyes will be the death of me one day.

It was 5 in the morning.

She was sleeping peacefully in the center of the bed and I was staring at her while sitting beside her.

I want her to wake up but she's so peacefully and I don't have to heart to wake her up.

She was wearing one of my shirts which was unbuttoned and a skirt.

I could see her cotton bra that curved itself over her soft nipples. Cute.

She didn't like the dresses I bought for her but she didn't have any choice other than wear the dresses that I chose for her most of the day.

"Ace," a soft murmur heard to my ears suddenly.

I hummed in response as she started to rub her eyes and yawned.

"Sleep," I mumbled, rubbing her little tummy.

She hummed and started to murmur something incoherent words.

"S..Sleep" a meek whisper left her lips, making me hum.

Taking a deep sigh, I hovered above her, slowly.

I dipped my head around her neck, greedily.

She smells like jasmine as always.

I dragged my lips from her throat to her temple.

She took a long sigh and wrapped her hand around my neck keeping me close to her.

"I think..I..," she paused, frowning.

"You what?," I asked in anticipation.

"I think I am hungry," she mumbled sleepily.

I chuckled shaking my head, slightly.

She opened her eyes and looked at me, her lips forming a small pout as always.

A small smile graced her lips, making my gulp.

So pathetic. Get a grip on yourself Ace.

She kissed my forehead and closed her eyes again.

"You look great," she uttered, emotionlessly.

I palmed her right cheek and stroked it gently.

"Mini," I leaned down so our lips were brushing slightly.

She opened her eyes and hummed.

I gently kissed her, placing her one hand on my nape and joined my hand with her free hand, which was resting beside her head carelessly.

I felt her kissing me back softly.

She gripped the back of my hair and whimpered, when she was running out of breath.

Again, a whimper left her lips and I left her lips which were dark pink by now.

I sucked her bright delicious neck, as her body started to wrap itself around mine like a needy cat.

She took big lumps of breath and moaned.

Her legs were wrapped around my waist tightly making me smirk at the thought that she was getting turned on just by kissing.

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