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Ace POV:

As I lay there on my bed, feeling a mix of annoyance and irritation, my friend Aiden continued to tickle the sole of my feet despite my protests.

"Stop it, Aiden, before I come and kick your ass," I finally managed to grumble before letting out a sigh and rolling onto my stomach.

Aiden's disappointed gaze met mine as he shook his head in disbelief.

"Come on Ace, wake up, we are all here to see your psycho ass and you behave like that," he scolded gently.

Glancing around the room, I noticed the familiar faces of my friends sitting on various things but not on sofa and couch.

Aiden perched at the edge of my bed, while Felix casually leaned against the door frame and Liam lounged on my bed, engrossed in his phone as usual.

Leo and Liam were squeezed together as if there was no other space in the spacious room, and Hudson sat on a nearby table, casting me a stern glare that made me feel slightly chuckle.

Alexander, always the peacemaker, was trying to calm Hudson down.

These are my friends from school and college days, well basically my remaining family.

Before I could even fully open my eyes, Hudson's voice cut through the morning haze.

"Ivan said you killed someone," he inquired with a heavy sigh.

I responded brusquely, my voice tinged with defiance, "Yeah, I did. And that's none of your business, Hud."

As I rubbed my face and stifled a yawn, Alex interjected with concern, "Ace, did you forget our ethics?"

Meeting his gaze, I explained bluntly, "No, I didn't. It's not like he was innocent. He was a fucking pervert who raped more than 20 children's, so it's not a problem. Now, if you're done interrogating me, can someone tell me why you're all gathered here?"

Felix, always one for drama, put on a hurt expression as he placed a hand dramatically over his chest. "That hurts. I thought you must have missed us," he teased.

Rolling my eyes, I retorted, "Well, I didn't. So do whatever you want; I have work to do and responsibilities to attend to," my annoyance palpable.

Liam mused quietly, "I told you he would not break the rules," his observation echoing Leo's nod of agreement.

With a heavy sigh, I excused myself from the group, by retreating to the bathroom to freshen up.

Author's POV:

The clock struck 7 in the morning, casting a golden hue through the windows of the bustling dining hall where everyone gathered for their breakfast.

Among them, Alex, with a furrowed brow, leaned in to confidentially inform Ace about Noah.

Well Noah is a coward ass or a rich coward ass.

Noah's father didn't gave money to him because he wanted to do some sketchy things, so he gathered money from illegal sources.

He had borrowed a substantial sum, a staggering 10 million, leaving a tangled web of debts and suspicions in his wake.

Ace, a figure known for his punctuality and business acumen, harbored a despise for lateness in any form.

The revelation that Noah had not yet repaid his debt only added fuel to the fire.

In the world of business, delays and unreliability were viewed as cardinal sins.

So, yeah it's a bad omen for Noah.

Ace POV:

I can't believe the nerve of this little punk. Five minutes have passed, and he's still not here.

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