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A hiss left his lips as he sat on the floor holding his arm.

"Aiden!," Susan yelled and ran towards him.

"ACE! Are you out of your fucking mind?," Felix said, enraged.

"Ohh! Please. It just passed through his skin," Ace murmured, scratching his head with the slide part of the gun.

"Next time, I will not be this gentle," he warned, placing his pistol inside the hostler.

He started to walk away but Alex threw a punch at him but Ace dodged away and twisted his hand.

"Fuck!" Alex yelled in pain.

"Stop it, guys," Ace said calmly.

"BASTA, ti stai approfittando del corpo di una ragazza senza nemmeno il suo permesso e lei non sa che la stai aggredendo (STOP IT, you are taking advantage of a girl's body without even her permission and she doesn't have the knowledge that you're assaulting her)," Leo scowled.

"Ace, we are your friends're not in a good mindset and you're wrong. Leave her, you will destroy her" Hudson said, choosing his words attentively.

Ace rolled his eyes and started to walk away.

"I am taking her," Felix said.

"What?," Ace scoffed.

"Ho detto che te la porto via, da qualche parte lontano dalla tua disgustosa presenza (I SAID I AM TAKING HER FROM YOU, SOMEWHERE FAR FROM YOUR DISGUSTING PRESENCE)" Felix raged out, clenching his jaw.

Ace came forward and stared straight into Felix's eyes.

A smirk formed on Ace's lips.

"Try it, then you all will see what you all are avoiding to see.... All these years" He murmured, looking into his eyes.

Felix gulped and a shiver ran down his body.

"Ace...," Iris grinned, excitedly but when she saw the situation.

She stood there uneasily.

"Mini, Mini, come here my beautiful doll," Ace said smiling.

Slowly. She started to walk through all of them awkwardly as they all stared at her in pity and in sympathy.

She stood in front of him, confused and nervous.

Ace turned her toward the guys, palming her neck from behind, and tilted it slightly up.

"Mini bear, do you wanna leave me?" His voice was venomous and domineering.

His gaze lingered on each person, wanting them to all know that she was his. Only his.

"Iris leave..," Felix paused as Ace raised his hand.

"Tsk. Tsk. Let my little doll speak," he said, sternly.

"Tell me, Mini, if you get a chance. Will you leave me? ," he asked, stretching her neck more. Not painful but not gentle either.

A faint whimper slipped out of her lips by the sudden stretch. Slowly, she shook her head.

The intense looks she was receiving and the tense atmosphere around her were causing her heart to pound against her chest.

"Parole. Words, baby," he hummed, softly.

"N-No," a meek whisper left her lips in fear.

"Ace, that's not how it works," Susan said calmly.

"You heard her," he said, leaving her neck.

His Mini BearWhere stories live. Discover now