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Ace POV:

I groaned in annoyance and rolled over, opening my eyes to find myself greeted by the sight of a blank wall. 

It stared back at me lifelessly as I lay in a frigid room, the cold seeping into my bones.

Alone in that moment, memories from the last night started to flood back into my mind.

"Ace!" her voice pierced through the silence, bringing with it a sense of bliss that stirred me from my slumber.

I sat up with only a blanket covering my naked glory.

There she was, sitting on the floor amidst a scattering of neatly folded clothes and carefully organized necessities packed inside a suitcase.

She stood up gracefully, her hands moving to cup her cheeks as she awaited my response.

"How do I look?" she asked, her eyes reflecting a mixture of nervousness and hope.

I rubbed the sleep from my eyes, taking in the sight of her with a fond smile playing on my lips.

I looked like a shit and here this girl looked like a goddess. My sweet Mini.

She was wearing a full-sleeved black shirt tucked neatly into her ironed gray skirt.

"Perfect," I murmured, my voice husky with admiration.

"Thank you," she replied, her smile lighting up the room.

"Give me a twirl, Innamorato (Sweetheart)," I requested, standing up.

She obliged, twirling gracefully with a giggle, the fabric of her skirt swirling around her legs.

I have to say she's hypnotizing in bed.

Last night, she sucked me so well, that I reached climax faster than anticipated.

But she didn't seem to mind; instead, she eagerly continued, craving the taste of my cum once more.

As I felt her wrapping a towel around my waist, I couldn't help but chuckle softly at her modesty.

Even though she had seen me naked countless times, she still blushed and seemed shy.

"It's already 6," she exclaimed, her voice filled with excitement as she bounced on her feet.

Yeah, we are going to Italy today.

I wrapped my arm around her waist, pulling her closer to me in a tender embrace.

"Morning kiss, pretty girl," I murmured, gazing into her eyes with affection.

She stood on her toes and pecked my lips sweetly before trailing her fingers over my tattoos.

"You look handsome," she complimented, her touch sending shivers down my spine.

I chuckled and shook my head in amusement.

"Aren't you such a kind girl," I said, walking into the washroom.

"You think I'm joking?" she asked, sitting on the bathroom slab with a disbelief expression.

I nodded, grabbing my toothbrush and starting to brush my teeth.

"Well, it's true you look oh la la!" she exclaimed, admiring my chest.

If you ask her if she will lay on my chest and snuggle into it all day, she will definitely do it.

"You're a handsome man," she continued, her smile warm and genuine.

I placed the toothbrush on the stand and turned to face her, a playful smirk on my lips.

"Really? And yet, you also said Hudson is handsome," I teased, tossing the towel into the hamper before stepping into the shower.

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