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Ace POV: 

"Didn't I tell you to throw it in the dustbin?" I queried, with a hint of annoyance.

"Ace, I know he abandoned you when you needed him most, but he might not have had a cho—" I raised my hand to silence him.

"Just leave it there and go," I instructed, redirecting my attention to the computer screen.

Leo chuckled softly as he placed the box beside the computer.

"He mentioned it contains things mostly related to your parents. Your parents, Ace," he emphasized, before departing.

My gaze shifted to the box, a furrow forming on my brow.

I picked it up and tore off the wrapping paper, revealing a medium-sized box.

As I lifted the lid, a chill ran down my spine.

At the top lay a framed photo of my parents, surrounded by a sleek black border.

Swallowing hard, I carefully set the photo aside. Sorting through the contents, a sense of warmth washed over me.

Among the photographs, jewelry, and letters, memories flooded back.

A smile tugged at my lips as I came across a picture of my parents and me, perched on my father's shoulders, our smiles radiant.

It was bittersweetly beautiful.

Picking up a small pencil pendant I stared at it in amazement. 

It was an amethyst stone. 

After carefully returning everything to the box, I lifted it and made my way to my bedroom.

But...Why does he gave me these things and came to new York all of a sudden? 

Pushing aside the hanging suits in the closet, I accessed the secret safe and carefully placed the items inside.

My brows furrowed as I noticed some photos out of order. 

Did someone opened it? 

Was it Iris? 

No... she wouldn't do that. If she had, she would have asked about her own photo and other photos too. 

Maybe I am just overthinking. 

Closing the closet, I made my way back to the office room.

My phone buzzed, displaying a message from Mini.

"I'll be late tonight. Take care."

I sighed and replied, "Ok."

I'm still a bit upset with her. 

She needs to understand her worth, and I'll make sure she realizes it, in a hard way or soft way. 

Iris POV:

"Ok, guys. Let's give ourselves a round of applause," I announced, trying to infuse some energy into the atmosphere.

The response was dull, with everyone clapping their hands half-heartedly.

My legs felt like jelly, trembling beneath me. 

My shift had ended an hour ago, but Freddy, the other chef, had abruptly left his post. 

The owner had asked me to fill in for the night. Because after 4 p.m. the café transformed into a restaurant.. 

Sure, the extra pay was tempting, so I agreed. 

But the problem was, I had never in my life managed a group of people who took orders from me.

"Iris, are you sure you're okay?" the waitress asked me, concern evident in her voice.

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