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Iris POV:

The class groaned happily when the teacher finally left.

For the past two hours, the teacher had not stopped teaching.

I glanced at the clock and saw it was 4 in the evening.

I am addicted to Ace.

Especially the things he does. I didn't know I can be this dirty too.

"Is something going on between you and Edrick?" Ali asked as she stood in front of my desk.

"What! No!" I blurted out in surprise.

"Then why is he talking to you more and not to me?" she said bluntly.

I shrugged awkwardly, hoping to brush off her question. "I don't know."

Because he's Elijah, not Edrick.

I hurriedly exited the classroom, feeling flustered after my awkward exchange with Ali.

The excuse I used—"I want to poop"—was embarrassingly lame.

My eyes wandered around the classroom, sneakily.

Student's were chattering and laughing.

God, where is he?

When I finally spotted him, his intense gaze was already on me, causing my heart to skip a beat.

I waved casually and mustered a nonchalant smile, gesturing for him to join me outside.

As he approached, I took a deep breath to steady my nerves, mentally rehearsing what I wanted to say.

"Hey," I greeted him, rubbing my sweaty palms.

"What happened?" Elijah asked, looking down at me.

He's freaking tall.

Maybe I am short. Too short.

"I want your help," I blurted out.

"You know Ali, the girl who asked you..." I trailed off as I saw Elijah nodding his head, a hint of exasperation in his sigh.

"Tell her NO," he said firmly, then turned and headed back into the classroom..

No! Nope. She will cry bawling her eyes out.

She's obsessed with Edrick, ever since he started paying attention to her.

Wait a minute... Does that mean Elijah has been coming to college disguised as Edrick all along, and I only just figured it out late?

"Let's go," Elijah said, his bag slung loosely over his shoulder as we walked towards... somewhere, I wasn't sure where.

"But she likes Edrick," I protested.

"Darling, he's a fuckboy. She's a good kid. Tell her to find someone else" he replied with a hint of disappointment in his voice.

Kid? Is he in his 30's?

"What's your age?" I blurted out, raising my eyebrows.

"I'm Elijah Thomas. I'll be turning 20 soon. Favorite things include black color, books, music, and being alone," he said as we settled in the garden.

It was a chilly day, but the sun's rays provided some warmth as we sat down.

"Now, friends?" he asked, extending his hand towards me.

"Uh... yeah," I smiled nervously and shook his hand.

"How did you finish college earlier than your brother?" I asked, adjusting my dress as I sat beside him.

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