Passion and Pain |c.g|

711 13 4

TW: talk about physical abuse, meal restriction, self harm, choking, yelling, and cussing
(carries over to part 2)

Reader's pov
My mom and I got into an argument one day and she hit me. I was fed up and I lunged at her, but I missed. I blacked out and the next thing I knew the house was burning down. I didn't kill her or anything, but it was still a really big ordeal. So they basically found some place overnight and dropped me off like an infant to an orphanage.

They literally didn't even stop the car. They threw my bags, told me to jump out, and sped off. I looked up to read a sign that said 'Miss Robichaux's Academy'. They didn't tell me where I was going, just that I needed to get the hell out of their house. I got there at like 4 am and I was just gonna sit on the huge porch and wait until later.

I don't wanna bother waking anyone up, it wasn't that serious. I tried to get comfortable sitting on the wet wood and almost as if she could read my mind, the blonde woman comes walking out. She has on a white silk robe and the first thing I notice are her beautiful brown eyes, they remind me of fall.

She motions for me to come in and takes me into the office, softly closing the door before speaking. "What brings you here?" She asked half-yawning I looked at the floor not being able to look at her. "I can honestly just wait outside until later. I was trying not to wake anyone" I say quietly. There's a moment of silence and I can feel her looking at me.

"I wasn't getting much sleep anyway, don't worry about it. I can only imagine the night you've had though, you must be tired" she said almost sadly like she could feel my emotions. "We can talk about everything tomorrow. In the meantime I do have a spare room you can stay in, let me show you" she gets up and starts walking out the office.

She walks me up to a room amongst many other doors, which I assume people are sleeping in. The room was pretty bare, not much special about it. I'm assuming we get to decorate however, as long as it's respectful of course. It was white everywhere, it almost looked like heaven. With her next to me it kinda felt like it too.

What am I talking about? This whole time I didn't realize I hadn't entered the room. She was standing in front of me, silent like she was trying to read my mind. She smiled a little "you ok?" She asked, I nodded slightly unsure of my answer. "Fuck. Sorry I didn't mean to cuss" she chuckled "I didn't even get your name, did I even give you mine?" She asked with a cute thinking face.

"Nope" I said, "Well my name is Cordelia, Cordelia Goode. I'm the supreme. Which basically means I run the place" she said pushing hair behind her ear. I echoed her sentiments giving my name as well. "Well, y/n. Are you ok if I leave you?" I zoned out for a minute my eyes trailing around the room.

Everything goes suddenly quiet and then black. I wake up what feels like many hours later and it's still dark outside. I'm laying in a different room now, this one is bigger and prettier. It has this white mesh net over the bed that's really pretty. There's a dresser across the room directly in front of me with a big mirror and various bottles of things I can't even think of right now.

I swing my legs over on the edge of the bed and try to sit up. I manage, barely, cause everything is starting to get fuzzy again. All of a sudden my head starts throbbing, it takes everything in me not to make a sound. I look to the nightstand and there's water sitting there. I don't even bother to think if it's mine or not before taking a sip as I try to remember what happened.

I start panicking trying to remember where I am when I hear footsteps. Instinctively I quickly lay back down and turn away from the door pretending I'm sleep. The door creeks open and closes again. I'm thinking whoever opened it left, but I don't move. I feel a hand on my shoulder and I jump a little "it's just me" the familiar soft voice says.

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