Alice to my Hatter |c.g|

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Today is Cordelia and I's anniversary but she's also just become supreme. I know she has a lot of work to do and—considering it's our third anniversary—I'm not surprised she's maybe forgotten. The first is always the most exciting, trying out new things and experimenting. The second is a start of tradition, the firsts being reminisced on.

Then comes the third and it's almost a routine now. Except this new little addition to our life has turned her upside down. I'm not saddened, on the contrary I'm quite happy for her. I can see even in her posture and the way she walks that she's gained confidence from this. It makes me smile just thinking about how giddy she was when she rose.

All night she couldn't stop giggling and she kept shaking me saying she couldn't believe it. I don't know about her but my excitement still hasn't worn off. I'm so proud of her, even more than I was before which I didn't think was possible. So, for me, this anniversary may be the most special one we've ever had.

I've made plans for her and I've already told the girls as well. They made their plans after we talked about a week ago. My hope is that we'll have the house to ourselves. I don't plan on taking her anywhere, only because I know she doesn't like to leave the academy unattended. Besides, I don't mind staying in, I actually prefer it that way.

I softly pad down the stairs and make my way to her office door, knocking softly. I hear her mumble a 'come in' and I enter before closing the door again. "Hi, sweetheart" she mutters with a soft smile, "hey, baby" I reply as I approach her. I place a kiss on her cheek before turning her head to place a proper one on her lips.

She blushes lightly and I push hair behind her ear. "Come on, it's lunch time" I tell her and her eyes dart to the clock, widening shortly after. "Gosh time really flies" she sighs, "when you're having fun?" I joke and she chuckles quietly. I take her hand and lead us through the kitchen, picking up a basket, much to her confusion.

We go through the backyard and to the greenhouse. I stop us right in front of a little nook I cleared for this. It's the spot that gets the most sunlight, decorated with her favorite plants. I lay the blanket on the floor, conjuring pillows for as to lay back on. I hold my hand out to help her down and she takes it happily.

Once we're sat I pull her into my lap and she rolls her eyes playfully. I can see the blush rising on her cheeks which makes me smile. I love that I can still arouse such a reaction out of her. I open the basket with my hand not wrapped around her waist. I can feel the way she watches my movements as her fingers play with the hem of my shirt.

She was never so soft when we first started dating. Always a bit closed off and I think it was just because of her past. After a few months, she started to change. Never initiating the contact but always welcoming it. Now she just gives me the eyes or will grab my hand randomly. I think it's the cutest thing to see her so shy sometimes.

As I pull out strawberries I hear her smile and giggle. "Someone's excited" I tease as I turn to see her grin and she bites her lip. Her face nuzzles in my neck to hide her growing blush and I shake my head. I love to see her like this, so happy and careless. I don't get to see her this relaxed very often so I cherish it.

As I feed her, she hums in approval and I feel her muscles relax. "What's all this for?" she asks softly, her fingers tracing shapes on my arm. "I can't do something special for my special girl?" I ask and tilt her head back. I look down at her and her smile grows wider until I can see all her teeth. Her eyes crinkle and lean down to peck her nose, causing her to scrunch it.

"But you've got honey and grapes..." she points out and I have to agree. I don't tend to go so extravagant with regular picnics. Most times I go very simple, not wanting to use many dishes. This time everything has its own container; I even bought a cute mini jar for the honey and a dipper to collect it.

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