An Unexpected Quest |a.m.r|

318 14 4

All of this is in Ally's pov

As my eyes flutter open, the harsh sunlight generously greets me. I shut my eyes tight, willing myself to adjust, as the vision behind my eyelids goes red. Eventually, I pry my eyes open and turn further away from the window. Only to realize, in the place of my girlfriend, there's a note on her pillow.

Now, if we hadn't been through all we have, normally I'd start freaking out. But over the course of time we've known each other, she's left me several notes. Typically she doesn't rise before I do but considering today is Saturday, and I've had a long week, it's not much of a surprise. I push myself to rest my back against the headboard and rub my eyes gently. I turn to check the clock and see it's already 12pm and I groan. I pick up the note off the pillow, carefully unfolding it to read the contents.


Good morning, my love. I have a few things to do this morning but I left brunch downstairs for you.


Well, that's simple enough I guess. I wonder what she had to do, she didn't tell me about any errands. I get up and wrap my robe around my form before tiredly making my way downstairs. The smell of pancakes and bacon hit my nose and I smile softly. I see a plate resting on the counter and realize she couldn't have left more than ten minutes ago.

My mind starts to wander, asking myself why she didn't just wait for me. I brush it off and dig in, moaning at the taste of her cooking. She always makes the pancakes from scratch and there's a surprise every time. This time she stirred in some blueberries and vanilla. I always scold her for never measuring, but they come out perfect every time.

After I'm done with breakfast, I take my plate over to the sink and wash it. As I'm drying my hands, I notice another little paper on the windowsill in front of me. I shake my head whilst chuckling, she really likes to play around. I take the notes in my hands, running my fingers over the little doodles she's drawn on it.


Now that your belly is full... I have a little surprise for you. Today you'll be taking part in my latest scheme. (Cue evil laugh). I have a quest for you, an adventure of sorts, I've left clues in your most frequented places for you to find. The goal is to figure out where I am before sundown. Good luck, baby <3


I roll my eyes as a grin spreads across my face. She's been known to be playful but I certainly never expected anything like this. I take the note with me back upstairs and set it next to the one on the bed. I want to keep them all as a memory of this, even though I feel I'll never forget it. I head to the bathroom to do my routine before I have to look for the next clue.

I get out the shower and as I'm drying my hair, I catch something out the corner of my eye. I squint a little to make sure I'm not imagining things but as I open the medicine cabinet, it's confirmed. A little paper falls out onto the counter and I smile softly as I pick it up.


You're doing so well, look at you! So this next destination is away from home. You'll have to put your detective skills to use from now on as I will only speak in riddles.


Oh god... she knows I'm terrible with riddles!


The clue you seek is hidden in plain sight
We've spent many dark mornings here
Waiting for first light
At our favorite spot, you will find
The second thing you call 'mine'

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