Showered in Love |b.d.h|

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I'm sitting on the couch waiting for Billie to get home. She said she'd be here half an hour ago, but I'm not worried. It's not often she comes home late; besides, I trust her. I hear the garage open and a car pull up shortly after. I pause the tv and jump up off the couch heading for the door.

I open it and run over to her just as she gets out. "Hi!" I exclaim, wrapping my arms tightly around her. "Well hello there" she chuckles softly, closing the car door behind us. I let go, pecking her lips before pulling away. "Do you need help with your things?" I ask as she walks around to the other side of the car.

"Nope. It's not much" she answers and I nod waiting for her. She takes my hand, leading us into the house and up to our bedroom. "By the way... I got you something" she state, "babyyy, you didn't have to" I whine. "I know, but I wanted to. Only the best for my baby girl" she grins and I roll my eyes playfully.

"Don't do that... come on. Open it" she urges, placing a small bag in front of me. I notice it's just a regular gift bag which makes me sigh in relief. Billie tends to go overboard on gifts and I hate her spending all her money on me. I was very skeptical of it in the beginning, thinking that it had to be an apology for something.

Over time I realized it's just her way of showing that she loves me. Though the endless kisses and cuddles are enough to prove that. I glance up at her and sigh before opening it. I pull out the pink and white tissue paper, sitting it to the side carefully. As I get to the bottom of the bag all I see is a little box.

"Mysterious" I giggle, she just motions excitedly for me to open it. I slowly take off the lid only to find a key, a car key to be exact. I look up at her and she smiles widely, I glance back down to see it's an Audi. "Billie..." I whine, "I figured—since you don't have a car of your own—that you'd need one" she reasons.

"I can only imagine how boring it must be sitting here and waiting for me all day... soooo—yeah" she adds. Before I can process it she takes my hand and pulls me up. She takes me out the front door and around the side. She covers my eyes before I can even get a view of it and leads me the rest of the way.

We finally stop but she still doesn't remove her hands just yet. "I have one more teensy tiny surprise for you" she giggles and I groan softly. After she's done laughing she moves her hands and I open my eyes.

I'm speechless for a long moment as I see all the gifts she has for me

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I'm speechless for a long moment as I see all the gifts she has for me. In addition to the car, all of this is a bit overwhelming. I don't even realize I'm crying until Billie steps in front of me with a pout on her face. "Honeyyyy why are you crying? I hope these are happy tears..." she says, her eyebrows furrowed as she caresses my cheeks.

I bury my face in her chest as I try to stop crying, a futile attempt really. "What's wrong, baby? If you don't like it, we can get something else" she reminds me. I pull away and quickly wipe my face as I take a deep breath. "No I- I love the gifts and the car and everything. But why, Billie? I don't deserve you spending all this money on me" I sigh.

"Of course you do, sweetheart! I love you and I want to show you that. Besides, you've been talking about how this is your dream car since before I met you" she points out. "Yes but—it's not even a special occasion! I don't understand..." I argue. "Baby. It doesn't have to be a 'special occasion' for me to show you how much I love you" she mutters.

She wraps an arm around my waist and pulls me closer to her. Lifting a hand to cup my cheek as she stares at me lovingly. "You make every day special for me. I just want you to know how much you mean to me. No amount of money in the whole world could make me happier than you do" she states firmly.

"The money doesn't matter to me. It only means I can spend it on what truly makes me happy in life. You. And—if nothing else—it's not like I can take the money with me when I go. I might as well put it to good use, because... seeing that smile on your face—it makes my day. So no more tears, ok? You deserve everything I can give and even more" she smiles.

I smile softly at her and she leans down to place a gentle kiss on my lips. "You know... I really do love the gifts, but I much prefer this. Just being here with you... kissing and holding you. I love you, Billie. You know that, right?" I ask and she nods with a wide smile. "I know, darling. That's why I want to give you everything" she whispers.

It occurs to me at this very moment that Billie and I might've been made for each other. My hyper-independence coupled with her extremely caring nature. I look behind her to the car and bury my head in the crook of her neck as I smile. "Go on, baby. Let's see your gifts" she mumbles, pulling my head back and kissing my forehead.

I pull away, still holding her hand, and walk over to the car. I first open the bags one by one; running my hands over the purses and turning the jewelry over. Momentarily being mesmerized by how it shimmers in the light.

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I jumped up and almost tackled Billie out of excitement

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I jumped up and almost tackled Billie out of excitement. She wrapped her arms tightly around my waist and spun me a little before putting me down. I gave her numerous pecks on her lips and she just chuckled at my enthusiasm. "I love you, I love you, I love you" I chanted over and over as I squeezed her tight.

"I love you too, little one. What do you say we take the car for a spin?" She asks wiggling her eyebrows, I giggle and nod quickly. We hop in and ride around some secluded spots because she knows I love to drive fast. It goes from 0-60 in like 2.8 seconds I think she said. So that was super DUPER fun to test out.

Once it started getting dark we came back home, brought the stuff inside, and took a shower. As we lay down I cuddle up close to her, nuzzling my face in the crook of her neck. "You smell soooo good" I mumble, "so do you, sweetheart" she giggles. I hum as I close my eyes, the adrenaline of today wearing off.

"It's ok baby, you can sleep" Billie whispers in my ear, "not yet" I whine. "You're tired, love. I'll be right here" she promises, I nod softly and scoot even closer if that's possible. I still don't fully drift off until I know she's asleep. Her heart rate slowing down as light snores escape her mouth. I smile to myself and fall into a deep sleep as I replay the day.

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