Caught Red-handed |tammy|

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Today we were supposed to have a day in, but Tammy said she has some errands to run. Usually I go with her but recently I haven't been wanting to go out. With me being pregnant and all, trips out have just begun to get more taxing. All the walking makes my feet hurt and people irritate me even more than before; which made me grateful that she didn't ask if I come along.

I can almost never say no to the blonde, so had she asked me to go, I would've went anyway; even if it's the most unbearable thing I could think of doing. As she's getting all clean in the shower her phones buzzes and since it's sitting close by, I grab it to see if it's important so I can tell her. It's someone named Nikki which makes me tilt my head in confusion.

I've never heard her talk about anyone by this name and I certainly don't know anyone by that name either. I unlock her phone to look at the whole thread just out of curiosity. They talk about me multiple times, about how I'm pregnant and just random little things. The last message is of a pinned location and the lady saying she's there waiting for her.

I frown a bit, looking at the location and recognizing it very well. It's a park nearby that Tammy and I go to all the time. Why would she choose somewhere so close? Am I really that dumb? By this point I've already jumped to conclusions. I head into our bedroom to see her curling her hair with only her towel wrapped around her. "Hi, baby. Like what you see?" she asks since I've just been staring at her.

"I'm going out for food" I reply, "oh—umm ok" she stutters in surprise. I walk out and send the location to myself, resting her phone back where it was. I throw on a big coat and slip on my shoes, taking my purse and keys to the car before driving off rather quickly. Maybe it's nothing but I'm gonna find out either way. I arrive at the park in record time, parking the car and looking around.

Just across the field is a bench that overlooks the lake and there I find her, twirling her hair as she looks down at something. I head over slowly, not really being able to move that well because my feet have been swelling recently. "Nikki?" I prompt and she turns as I sit next to her, "uhh yes?" she questions. I take the time to look at her outfit, a sports bra and leggings perfectly showing off her toned abs—which I myself do not posses obviously.

"I'm y/n, you were expecting Tammy. Am I correct?" I ask and she nods, still a bit confused obviously. "Well, I'm her wife. Nice to meet you" I say with a polite smile as I try to keep my cool, "oh! Uhh right" she chuckles nervously which tells me she's clearly hiding something. "I'm just trying to figure out what she needed to discuss with you. We've of course never had the pleasure of meeting one another so..." I prompt her to answer and she looks around, turning to look behind her as well.

"Well?" I prompt again, wanting her to answer me. "It's just a... business matter" she says hesitantly and I narrow my eyes. I know all about Tammy's past but she said that she dropped all that after the big heist they did. I told her she didn't need to do that but I would just like to know if she did another job. Yet she insisted, especially after I got pregnant, that she wouldn't risk it; being that she had us now and didn't want to jeopardize that by putting herself in unnecessarily dangerous situations.

Which leads me to question what this 'business matter' is and why she didn't tell me about it. "A business matter, huh? What is this pertaining to exactly?" I ask, "well... why don't we wait for Tammy to get here?" she suggests. "You could just tell me. I am her wife after all so if it concerns her then it concerns me" I state firmly, not giving her room to argue—or so I thought. "It's really best we wait for her, I'm not trying to ruin anything" she stresses and I roll my eyes.

Keep it cool; remain calm. "Or maybe, perhaps, you could-" "sweetheart?" I turn at the sound of my wife's voice. She has a confused smile on her face as she glances between us and I can see the nervousness in her eyes. "Well would ya look at that! The woman of the hour" I exclaim sarcastically, "what are you doing here, darling? I thought you were getting food" she points out and I sigh.

"Well if you can lie so can I" I counter and she raises her eyebrows in shock. "I'm sorry, Nikki. She's just a bit... snippy, more than normal with the baby" she chuckles, "don't talk about me like I'm not here" I scoff. "Honey, why don't we go talk over there? I'm sure I can explain everything" she assures me and I shake my head, "I'm fine right here" I say crossing my arms.

"Ok then..." she sighs, moving to rest her hands on the back of the bench. "This is Nikki, she's a therapist but also a yoga instructor and she happens to teach Lamaze classes as well. She actually teaches them in this park on the other side of the lake but I told her about how you don't like to be outdoors. Today we were going to discuss maybe having private lessons at home or seeing how else we could accommodate you because I know how much you wanted to try it out" she explains calmly.

My face slowly drops as she goes on and at the end my mouth is just open. I blink slowly as I look away from her in shame, regretting my outburst. "Well... now that that's settled. I just wanted to tell you that my studio is done being renovated and I was going to move the classes in door next week anyway—with the occasional extra sessions outside on weekends" Nikki says, "that's great! Thank you so so much. We'll definitely be in touch then" Tammy replies excitedly and Nikki assures her it's no problem before taking her leave.

Tammy sits next to me and I still haven't said anything nor looked at her the whole time. "Would you like to tell me what that was about?" she asks softly and I can hear the smile on her face but still don't look at her. "I'm sorry" I whisper, "it's fine, sweetheart. I'm just... concerned, that you think I hide things from you" I know the smile is gone now and I swallow a lump in my throat.

"Well... I'm-" I stop myself to take a breath, knowing that I'm getting worked up. Her hand moves to grab mine and it's like she squeezes the tears out of me. "I'm getting bigger and-" "baby..." she sighs sadly. "It's just... there are so many pretty girls I-" "But you're my pretty girl" she turns my head to face her so I look in her eyes and raises her eyebrows as she stares at me.

"I love you, honey. You're growing our child inside of you—expanding our family... how could I ever not love you for that?" when she words things like that it's kinda impossible not to believe her. "You promise?" I ask just to be sure, "I promise" she assures me. "Pinky?" I mumble and she links my pinky with hers, shaking it a bit for emphasis.

"Now... how about we get the little one some ice cream and cake then get her mama some chicken and rice" she suggests and I nod happily with a big grin. Tammy smiles just as big, placing a kiss on my lips before getting on her knees and slightly lifting my shirt to place a lingering one on my belly that makes me smile shyly.

"I love you and your little belly, sweetheart. No matter what, I'll always love you" she states with conviction as she looks me directly in the eyes. I smile softly and she helps me to my feet, carefully pulling me closer by my waist as she walks me to the car. "Make sure you wear your seatbelt and keep you and the little one safe" she asserts, "but-" "uh uh. None of this 'it's too tight' nonsense. I'll adjust it for you" she interjects.

I sigh and get in, she does as promised and adjusts everything so I'm more comfortable. "Better?" I nod as I stare at her dreamily and she smirks, placing a hand on my cheek and kissing me passionately. "I think mommy might get a little extra dessert when we get home" she whispers and I silently scream, my mouth falling open in a dorky fashion.

"I love it when you do that. The genuine shock, it reminds me of the face you make when you cum" she smirks, my eyes widen and I look away as I bite my lip. "Keep it up and I might be the first lesbian Mary" I tease, "I- wow" she starts laughing uncontrollably and I grin. It's my one of my favorite things to make the blonde laugh, especially with my corny jokes.

"You're so beautiful" I tell her as she stops, "well that's why I married you, I couldn't exactly be seen standing next to a toad" she says dramatically. "Are you referring to women as toads?" I ask incredulously, "oh please, you know I meant men" she replies in the same tone and we both giggle. "Ok we have to go but you drive safe, please" she demands with her hand on the door as she waits for my response before closing it.

I'm the luckiest girl in the world to have her by my side and I'll always be grateful for it.

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