Fender Bender |s.m|

272 12 2

Requested by: paulsonwifey

CW: minor car crash, yelling, cussing, and sad Sally 🥲

I've just gotten off work and I'm on my way to see Sally. I forgot to text her before I left the office, so I set up my phone in the holder and call her at the red light. "Hi" she answers excitedly but I see it drop out the corner of my eye as the light changes and I focus on the road. "Hi, baby. I just left work, I'm coming to you now" I chirp, checking my rearview mirror and switching lanes.

"You know I hate when you do things like this, y/n. It's dangerous!" she exclaims and I smile at her worry for me. "It's fine, baby. I'm not holding my phone and I'm paying attention to the road. Also, don't call me by my name. You know I don't like that" I pout and hear her sigh on the other end. "Are you saying I'm not distracting?" she jokes, making me giggle.

"Oh no, you're very distracting, sweetheart. So much so that I can't even look at you, or I might have to pull over" I tease, "very funny" she replies. We start talking about my day and also what she's been doing. I give her updates as I get closer and she listens to me bitching about the dumb drivers. I wouldn't say I have 'road rage' I just don't like idiots on the road.

I'm only a few blocks away and I update Sally who squeals. I chuckle, closing my eyes momentarily but not long enough to really block my vision. I'm coming up on one of the last turns before I get to her, when something catches my eye. I turn to see a car speeding down a street perpendicular to the one I'm on.

I frown and my eyes keep switching between it and the road ahead of me. "Don't do it. Don't you dare" I mutter to myself. "What'd you say, love? What's going on?" Sally asks worriedly, "nothing, baby" I answer distractedly. They seem to be slowing down which causes my muscles to relax. I tend to go quite fast as well so I brush it off.

"You sure, lo-" Sally gets cut off as I scream "FUCK" while watching the car. At the last second they pulled out in front of me and I slam on breaks. It didn't really matter though, because their front end was already in front of me. I quickly reacted and pulled the emergency break but still my reaction time was too slow.

I jerk forward, luckily having on my seatbelt, and see them with wide eyes. My adrenaline takes over and I throw off my seatbelt hopping out the car. I run over to them and see them just sitting there in shock. Neither of our airbags deployed, so I assume it wasn't that bad. Though I can't really feel much of anything with my shock level so high.

I knock on their window and it seems to snap them out of it. They quickly scramble to get their seatbelt off and also open the door. "Oh my god! Oh my GOD! What the fuck?!" they yell, "are you ok?" I ask softly. "Am I- Am I OK?!" they exclaim, "y-you hit me!" they point at my chest.

"Me? You ran a stop sign, you dumb fuck" I remind them, "y-y-you were s-supposed to slow down" they accuse. "Listen. I understand you're in shock, clearly you aren't thinking right. You're supposed to stop, hence the name: stop sign" I point out. Their breathing gets erratic and I help them calm down, explaining to them what happened.

They eventually apologized and we checked out the damage after they offered to back up their car a little. It wasn't anything major and we were both very relieved. Someone who'd seen it called the cops and we talked to them. We both agreed not to press charges or anything since it was a very minor accident.

Once we'd filled out the report, I got back in my car and took a deep breath. I took off the emergency break and headed off on autopilot. Only when I parked did I realize I was at the Cortez. I smiled in relief and got out, quickly making my way in. I heard very familiar cries and my ears perked up. That led me to find Sally, in Liz's arms, sitting in a booth.

"What wrong, my love?" I ask softly as I place my hand on her shoulder. Her head abruptly turns to me and her eyes widen. She throws herself into my arms, both of us falling to the ground at the impact. "Damn, I know you missed me but, take it easy" I joke and she just sobs into my shoulder. I sit up a bit and pull her to sit in my lap, wrapping my arms around her tightly.

"I-I thought you d-died" she hiccups, "aww, baby, why would you think that?" I ask while rubbing soothing circles on her back. "You j-just stopped talking" she whimpers, "oh, my phone must've fell, darling. I forgot in the midst of everything, I'm sorry" I apologize. Once I've gotten her to stop crying, I take us up to the room and lay her down.

She pulls me to lay on top of her and grips onto me tightly. "I thought I lost you" she whispers, "can't get rid of me that easy, honey" I chuckle. I bury my face in her neck, breathing in her familiar scent and allowing it to calm my nerves. She asks what happened and I tell her about the whole hectic situation.

At first she was upset they reacted like that but was ok once I told her they apologized. "Don't ever do that again" she mumbles after a while, "I can't control the other drivers on the road, darling. Though I wish I could" I point out. "Don't ever drive again, then" she mutters, "babyyyy I have to go to work... and how else am I to buy you gifts?" I remind her.

"Quit. Get Liz or Iris to get them. I don't want you to leave me" she whispers shakily. I lift my head and cup her cheek with my hand, wiping her tears with the pad of my thumb. "I'm alive, sweetheart. I'm right here" I mumble, "I know. I just love you so much and I want you to be safe. I can't guarantee that when you're not here" she voices.

"Well that's one of many things you have in common with the living, babe. Some things are just out of our control" I smile sadly, "promise me you'll be more careful. Slow down a little... not be on the phone... please" she begs softly. "I promise, baby" I whisper and she nods slowly. We cuddle for a little while before getting up to take a shower before bed.

"What are you doing?" Sally asks quietly as I pick up my phone, "setting my alarm for work tomorrow" I reply softly. I feel her turn me over, straddling my waist and taking my face in her hands. "You're not going to work tomorrow" she states, "Sally I-" she puts a finger to my lips. "You. Are. Not. Going. To work. You can't leave me after that" she breathes out shakily.

"Hey, hey... it's ok" I whisper, pulling her head to my chest. "I was so scared" she cries, "it's alright now, darling. I'm here, with you. I'll call off, ok? We can spend the whole day together, just you and me" I promise her. "Ok..." she whispers, clinging to me like a little baby. "I love you, Sally" I mumble, "I love you more, pumpkin" she replies as she drifts to sleep.

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